
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
091 / 1 The Chinese military strategy of active defebse under the leadership of Jiang Zemin 2010-06-16
095 / 1 中共國防白皮書之解析 2010-06-16
089 / 1 美國對台之安全戰略 : 政治與軍事分析 2010-06-16
090 / 1 中共國防現代化之進程與意義 2010-06-16
096 / 1 中共海軍戰略之演進與展望 2010-06-16
089 / 1 Homeland defense with Taiwanese characteristics : On president Chen Shui-bian's new defense concept 2010-06-16
090 / 1 A firmer America, a rising China, and security in the Taiwan strait 2010-06-16
092 / 1 Commanders facing military transformation : China's military region commanders & the 16th party congress 2010-06-16
096 / 1 兩岸關係中的國際因素 2010-06-16
096 / 1 民主化下的台灣軍隊 2010-06-16
089 / 1 未來東北亞戰略形勢與兩岸關係發展 2010-06-16
090 / 2 Whither Taiwan nationalism : National identity and cross-strait relations 2010-06-16
092 / 1 Cross-strait posture review 2003-2004 2010-06-16
095 / 1 Taiwan Security & Cross-strait Relations 2010-06-16
091 / 2 China's role in the middle East and the Korean peninsula 2010-06-16
091 / 2 New Chinese leaders and cross-strait relations 2010-06-16
090 / 2 U.S. strategic posture since 911 and its impact upon cross-strait relations 2010-06-16
087 / 2 Formulating a national security strategy of the republic of China : Chinging environment and defense reform 2010-06-16
093 / 1 Beijing's strategic calculus in the 1995-96 Taiwan strait crisis 2010-06-16
095 / 1 Cross-strait Relations & Regional Security 2010-06-16
091 / 2 The matrix of neo-cons reloaded 2010-06-16
093 / 1 Chinese Approaches to Multilateral Organizations 2011-10-22
088 / 1 Cross-strait military posture and Taiwan's options 2011-10-22
092 / 1 Cross-Strait Pisture Review 2003-2004 2011-10-22
093 / 1 Taipei’s View on the Resumption of Cross-strait Dialogue 2011-10-22
087 / 2 Taiwan's defense modernization for the 21st century : Challenges and prospects 2011-10-22
088 / 2 The ecolution of the PLA navy and its early combat experience 2011-10-22
087 / 1 The future U.S.-Taiwan security relations : Challenges and opportunities 2011-10-22
096 / 1 兩岸互信機制的回顧與展望 2011-10-22
088 / 1 跨世紀美國亞太安全戰略 : 華府觀點 2011-10-22
096 / 1 台灣的國防安全 2011-10-22
101 / 1 The PLA over the China Seas and Maritime Sovereignty Dispute 2014-08-22
099 / 2 美中台2020 政軍兵棋想定:七年後的再檢視 2013-06-27
103 / 1 New Types of Military-to-Military Relationship between China and the U.S. 2014-12-12
103 / 1 New Types of Military-to-Military Relationship between China and the U.S. 2016-04-18
106 / 1 Xi Jinping and the PLA Leadership Reform 2018-04-18
106 / 1 美日鐵盟、澳洲遠盟、印度不盟: 美日澳印「民主鑽石」合作機制之展望 2018-04-18
107 / 1 Chinese Professional Military Education System Reform under Xi Jinping 2019-05-03
106 / 2 武警由「察」改成「備」改隸陸軍之意涵 2019-05-03
107 / 1 國際情勢與八二三臺海戰役 2019-05-03
109 / 1 Net Assessment of Taiwan’s Overall Defense Concept #16.和平正義與有力的制度 #17.夥伴關係 2021-03-19