
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
094 / 1 以灰色理論評估乾旱時期水庫入流量之研究 2010-06-16
094 / 1 應用類神經網路及GMS-5 衛星影像預測颱風降雨量 2010-06-16
096 / 1 以倒傳遞類神經網路建立雨水下水道水位預測模式 2010-06-16
096 / 1 Reservoir Flood Operation Planning Using Penalty-Type Genetic Algorithm 2010-06-16
094 / 2 Optimization under linguistic requirements of Reservoir Flood Control 2010-06-16
089 / 2 建立主從式水文分析模式 2014-07-04
086 / 1 農田水利會網路管理整合系統 2014-07-03
094 / 1 蘭陽溪—水文防洪預測模式之建置 2014-07-03
094 / 1 結合人工智慧與專家知識之智慧型水庫操作系統 2014-07-03
092 / 1 濁水溪流域暴雨時期流量預測之研究 2014-07-03
090 / 1 大甲溪洪峰流量之特性分析-以德基水庫入流量為例 2014-07-03
087 / 1 即時回饋式類神經網路於流量推估之應用 2014-07-03
081 / 2 壓縮土壤空氣減緩汙染入滲速率之研究 2014-07-03
081 / 2 加強黏土阻絕層以減少汙染流體的優勢流 2014-07-03
099 / 1 Building Real-Time Reservoir Flood Control Model by Hybrid Intelligent Methods 2016-04-15
098 / 1 Estimation of Flood Inundation Extent Using Hybrid Models 2014-09-01
097 / 1 Intelligent Real-Time Reservoir Operation for Flood Control 2014-09-01
092 / 1 Optimization of fuzzy programming for reservoir operation 2014-09-01
098 / 1 分類型類神經網路於易淹水地區水位之推估 2014-09-01
089 / 1 以即時回饋式類神經網路建構大甲溪流域之颱洪事件預報模式 2014-09-01
081 / 2 加強黏土阻絕層已減少污染流體的優勢流 2014-09-01
092 / 1 智慧型水文防洪分析系統之研究 2014-09-02
092 / 1 智慧型控制理論於水庫操作之應用 2014-09-02
090 / 1 智慧型控制理論於水庫操作決策之研究(二) 2016-04-15
090 / 1 農業水庫最佳操作策略之研議(I) 2016-04-15
088 / 2 模糊系統規劃模式於農業水資源經營之研究(I) 2014-09-02
081 / 2 壓縮土壤空氣減緩污染入滲速率之研究 2014-09-02
088 / 1 智慧型控制理論於水庫操作決策之研究 2016-04-15
086 / 1 GIS於WWW線上查詢之研議--JAVA之角色 2011-12-16
099 / 1 Building Flood Inundation Warning Systems by Using Serial-Propagated Neural Networks 2016-04-15
100 / 1 應用類神經網路於衛星影響淹水辨識之研究 2016-04-15
100 / 1 以自組特徵映射網路分析淹水潛勢圖之區域分布 2016-04-15
102 / 1 探討以類神經網路結合雷達降雨應用不同輸入因子預測石門水庫入流量之分析 2016-04-15
099 / 2 An integrated neural network and clustering method for forecasting flood inundation depths 2016-04-15
100 / 1 Flood Identification from Satellite Using Neural Networks 2016-04-15
100 / 2 Optimizing long-term reservoir operation through multi-tier interactive genetic algorithm 2016-04-15
101 / 1 Investigation of the effect of climate change on water resources using Hilbert-Huang Transform 2016-04-15
101 / 1 以HHT探討石門水庫集水區暴雨趨勢之研究 2016-04-15
101 / 1 以類神經網路與二維淹水模式分析區域淹水之研究 2016-04-15
102 / 1 以自組特徵映射網路探討颱風路徑與石門水庫集水區降雨特徵之研究 2016-04-15
102 / 1 類神經網路結合運動波理論於石門水庫入流量預測之研究 2016-04-15
102 / 1 宜蘭礁溪淹水區域推估之研究 2016-04-15
102 / 2 SOM-based hybrid neural network model for flood inundation extent forecasting 2016-04-15
102 / 2 Artificial intelligent techniques for optimizing water allocation in a reservoir watershed 2016-04-15
104 / 1 Developing an Intelligent Reservoir Flood Control Decision Support System through Integrating Artificial Neural Networks 2016-04-15
106 / 1 Regional early flood warning system: design and implementation 2020-02-14
106 / 1 Regional early flood warning system: design and implementation 2019-04-25
106 / 1 Building regional early flood warning systems by AI techniques 2019-04-29
105 / 2 Building Adjustable Pre-storm Reservoir Flood-control Release Rules 2019-04-29
105 / 2 Integrating a Storage Factor into R-NARX Neural Networks for Flood Forecasts 2019-04-29
105 / 1 Coupling Precipitation with Groundwater Level Using Two Self-Organizing Maps 2019-04-29
105 / 1 Explore the Spatial-Temporal Interrelation between Groundwater and Surface Water by Self-Organizing Map 2019-04-29
106 / 2 Exploring the Spatial Relationship between Typhoon Track and Rainfall by Using the Self-Organizing Map 2019-04-29
106 / 2 A hybrid clustering and ANNs for investigating the impacts and mechanisms of various temporal and spatial scales of surface water to groundwater variation 2019-04-29
107 / 1 Is small-hydropower implementation a good solution to boosting synergistic benefits of Water-Food-Energy Nexus? 2019-04-30
107 / 1 Prediction of Groundwater Levels for the Extreme Events Using Artificial Neural Networks 2019-04-30
107 / 2 Exploring the Effective Evaluation Indices of Self-Organizing Map for Clustering Regional Flood Inundation Map 2019-04-30