
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
096 / 1 ABS及CDO商品盛行對金融監理之影響 #04.優質教育 #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2020-07-09
097 / 2 How Significant are Shanghai and Taipei as International Financial Centers in the Asia-Pacific Region? 2017-06-12
096 / 2 美國金融機構房貸策略之改變為次級房貸風暴前因 2016-11-25
097 / 2 美國聯準會及存保公司處理金控公司旗下銀行倒閉損失連帶責任政策之成效及啟示 2016-11-25
096 / 1 國際金融控股公司監理之研究及其對台灣之啟示 2016-11-25
096 / 2 探討聯邦存款保險改革法案之意義及影響 2016-11-25
097 / 1 歐盟現行存保制度及房貸風暴後可能之轉變 2016-11-25
098 / 1 銀行家數激增是台灣不良債權禍首—長期追蹤資料分析實證 2011-10-22
098 / 1 An Empirical Ranking of International Financial Centers in the Asia-Pacific Region:Is Shanghai Challenging Hong Kong’s Position? 2011-10-22
098 / 1 Empirical Analysis of Banking Crisis in Taiwan 2011-10-22
099 / 2 Empirical Analyses of the Causes of Non-performing Loans of Taiwan and Its Comparison to Japan 2012-03-11
094 / 2 簡論歐盟『金融集團指令』之意義及重要性 2016-11-29
101 / 1 The Competitive Position of Shanghai in the Asia-Pacific Region: a Comparative Study 2013-05-28
097 / 2 檢視英國北岩銀行擠兌所引發全球金融及存保制度問題 2016-11-25
098 / 1 德國郵政改革及民營化之啟示 2013-04-11
093 / 1 1990年代日本存款保險公司處理不良債權之經驗及對台灣之啟示 2017-06-08
096 / 1 日本における金融持株会社の監督態勢台湾ヘの参考--特に不公正取引を中心として 2013-04-17
098 / 1 實證分析臺北、香港及上海金融市場競爭力 2024-02-19
086 / 1 An empirical ranking of international financial centers in the Asia-Pacific region 2013-06-07
099 / 1 What Caused the Soaring Non-Performing Loans in Taiwan from the Late 1990s to the Beginning of 2000s? Evidence from Panel Data of Domestic Banks 2016-11-24
103 / 1 Identifying Determinants of Branch Performances in Agricultural Bank of China: A Spatial Econometric Approach 2021-04-16
102 / 2 2008年至2013年間英國金融制度改革之探討與啟示 2016-11-25
102 / 2 歐盟推展銀行監理聯盟之歷程及現況探討 2016-11-25
102 / 1 The Regional Performances of Agricultural Bank of China: Applying GEE Method Multiple Linear Regression 2016-11-25
101 / 1 A Meta-frontier Approach for Comparing Bank Efficiency Differences between Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand 2017-06-15
101 / 1 Explaining Bank Efficiency Differences between China and Taiwan by Meta-Frontier Cost Function #04.優質教育 #11.永續城市與社區 #12.負責任的消費與生產 2020-07-09
099 / 1 Empirical Analyses of Taipei’s position as an International Financial Center in the Asia-Pacific Region 2014-09-10
099 / 2 2010年美國第二次施行寬鬆貨幣政策對歐元之影響 2016-11-09
102 / 2 The Geospatial Analysis of China's Banks: Empirical Evidence from Agricultural Bank of China during the Period 1992-2008 2017-06-27
102 / 2 Which drives abnormal returns, over- or under-reaction? -Studies applying longitudinal analysis 2015-12-14
105 / 1 Which One is More Efficient:German or Japanese Automobile Industry:A Meta-frontier with Technology Gap Comparison 2016-11-25
104 / 1 Regional Performance of China's Banks: Evidence from Industrial and Commercial Bank of China #04.優質教育 #11.永續城市與社區 #12.負責任的消費與生產 2020-07-09
103 / 1 Identifying Determinants of China Banks Branch Performances with Spatial Econometric Models 2016-11-28
099 / 2 The Impacts of Fiscal Deficits among EU Member Countries on the Euro:An Empirical Study 2016-11-29
096 / 1 金融緩和政策の有効性-90年代末日本に起きた流動性とデフレの罠を例として 2021-03-23
105 / 2 What Explains German Export Performances? Spatial Econometric Evidences: 1995 to 2014 #04.優質教育 #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 #12.負責任的消費與生產 2020-07-09
105 / 1 Which One is More Efficient: German or Japanese Automobile Industry: A Meta-frontier with Technology Gap Comparison 2018-01-02
105 / 1 How did Japanese exports evolve from 1995 to 2014? A spatial econometric perspective 2021-04-16
108 / 1 Resolving US Trade Deficits? Applying Spatial Durbin Panel Model #04.優質教育 #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2019-09-26
107 / 1 Spatial Dependence and Heteroscedasticity Effects on the Outward Foreign Direct Investment: The Case of Korea #04.優質教育 #08.尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2019-09-26
110 / 1 Success or Paradox? Explaining South-Korean Export Behavior: Spatial Spillover Effects and Destination Markets #03.良好健康和福祉 #04.優質教育 #05.性別平等 #12.負責任的消費與生產 2021-04-06
110 / 1 Understanding consutmers’ intention to switch to electric motorcycles: a transaction cost economics perspective #03.良好健康和福祉 #12.負責任的消費與生產 #13.氣候行動 #16.和平正義與有力的制度 #17.夥伴關係 2022-09-20
111 / 1 Exploring the Growth Value Equity Valuation Model with Data Visualization 2023-02-26
110 / 2 Success or Paradox? Explaining South-Korean Export Behavior: Spatial Spillover Effects and Destination Markets 2023-07-19