092 / 1 |
Impact of defective items on (Q, r, L) inventory model involving controllable setup cost.
2013-12-30 |
090 / 2 |
A minimax distribution free procedure for mixed inventory model involving variable lead time with fuzzy demand
2016-11-28 |
088 / 1 |
2017-05-08 |
094 / 1 |
Periodic Review Inventory Models with Controllable Lead Time and Lost Sales Rate Reduction
2017-03-09 |
092 / 2 |
A note on periodic review inventory model with controllable setup cost and lead time
2016-12-06 |
086 / 1 |
Mixture inventory model involving variable lead time with a service level constraint
2017-02-23 |
095 / 1 |
Fuzzy inventory model for deteriorating items with permissible delay in payment
2017-01-12 |
091 / 1 |
An inventory model for deteriorating items with stock-dependent demand under the conditions of inflation and time-value of money
2016-12-22 |
095 / 1 |
Integrated vendor--buyer inventory system with sublot sampling inspection policy and controllable lead time
2010-06-16 |
094 / 2 |
Optimal Ordering Policy for Deteriorating Items with Partial Backlogging under Permissible Delay in Payments
2024-04-11 |
089 / 1 |
A periodic review inventory model involving variable lead time with a service level constraint
2016-12-12 |
090 / 2 |
Lot size reorder point inventory model with controllable lead time and set-up cost
2017-01-19 |
094 / 2 |
An optimal replenishment policy for non-instantaneous deteriorating items with stock-dependent demand and partial backlogging
2016-12-22 |
095 / 1 |
A comparison between two pricing and lot-sizing models with partial backlogging and deteriorated items
2016-11-14 |
097 / 1 |
Optimal strategy for an integrated system with variable production rate when the freight rate and trade credit are both linked to the order quantity
2013-09-11 |
087 / 1 |
A minimax distribution free procedure for mixed inventory model with variable lead time
2016-11-28 |
090 / 2 |
A minimax distribution free procedure for mixed inventory models involving variable lead time with fuzzy lost sales
2016-11-29 |
087 / 1 |
(Q,R,L) Inventory Model Involving Defective Items with a Sub-lot Inspection Policy
2017-06-07 |
087 / 1 |
A Minimax Distribution Free Procedure for Periodic Review Inventory Model Involving Variable Lead Time
2016-11-29 |
093 / 2 |
An EOQ Model for Deteriorating Items with Power-Form Stock-Dependent Demand
2010-06-16 |
095 / 1 |
On an EOQ Model with Ramp Type Demand Rate and Time Dependent Deterioration Rate
2010-06-16 |
097 / 1 |
Optimal Ordering Policy for a Retailer When Delay in Payments is Permissible
2015-01-23 |
097 / 1 |
A Note on EOQ Models for Perishable Items under Stock Dependent Selling Rate
2013-09-11 |
093 / 1 |
An Inventory Model with Noninstantaneous Receipt and Permissible Delay in Payments
2010-06-16 |
092 / 1 |
Impact of Backorder Discounts on Periodic Review Inventory Model
2010-06-16 |
092 / 1 |
A Model of College Admission Problem with Weak Preferences and Discriminating Quotas
2017-06-08 |
090 / 1 |
A Continuous Review Inventory Model with Ordering Cost Dependent on Lead Time
2017-06-08 |
090 / 2 |
Economic order quantity model under cash discount and payment delay
2010-06-16 |
090 / 2 |
Determining the Optimal Inventory and Investment Strategies for Quality Improvement in the Fuzzy Sense
2010-06-16 |
087 / 2 |
A Minimax Distribution Free Procedure for (T,R,L) Inventory Model
2017-06-08 |
088 / 2 |
EMQ Model with Variable Lead Time and Imperfect Production Process
2010-06-16 |
090 / 1 |
Selecting the Best Population under Multiple Criteria: An Empirical Bayes Approach
2011-12-28 |
081 / 2 |
Characterizations of the Uniform Distribution by Conditional Expectations
2014-06-25 |
095 / 1 |
The single-vendor single-buyer integrated inventory problem with quality improvement and lead time reduction — minimax distribution-free approach
2017-05-03 |
095 / 2 |
An integrated vendor–buyer inventory model with quality improvement and lead time reduction
2010-06-16 |
092 / 1 |
Models for a fuzzy inventory of two replaceable merchandises without backorder based on the signed distance of fuzzy sets
2017-03-01 |
092 / 2 |
2010-06-16 |
079 / 2 |
2010-06-16 |
093 / 2 |
An EOQ model for perishable items under stock-dependent selling rate and time-dependent partial backlogging
2016-12-21 |
088 / 2 |
2010-06-16 |
094 / 1 |
Retailer’s optimal pricing and lot-sizing policies for deteriorating items with partial backlogging
2014-06-06 |
089 / 1 |
2010-06-16 |
090 / 1 |
2010-06-16 |
095 / 2 |
Deterministic inventory model for deteriorating items with capacity constraint and time-proportional backlogging rate
2017-01-04 |
097 / 1 |
Determining optimal lot size for a two-warehouse system with deterioration and shortages using net present value
2013-09-11 |
097 / 2 |
An economic order quantity model for deteriorating items with partially permissible delay in payments linked to order quantity
2013-09-11 |
091 / 1 |
Extended Economic Order Quantity Model under Cash Discount and Payment Delay
2010-06-16 |
086 / 1 |
Characterizations Based on Conditional Expectations of Nonadjacent Order Statistics
2014-01-01 |
092 / 2 |
An EOQ model with deteriorating items under inflation when supplier credits linked to order quantity
2016-12-21 |
094 / 1 |
Optimal pricing and ordering policy under permissible delay in payments
2017-03-08 |
095 / 1 |
Retailer's optimal ordering policies with trade credit financing
2017-03-22 |
091 / 1 |
Economic order quantity and optimal payment time under supplier credit
2017-01-06 |
093 / 1 |
Inventory models with stock-dependent demand and nonlinear holding costs for deteriorating items
2017-01-16 |
093 / 1 |
Retailer's optimal ordering policy under supplier credits
2017-03-22 |
092 / 2 |
2010-06-16 |
093 / 2 |
Economic production quantity models for deteriorating items with price- and stock-dependent demand
2017-01-06 |
095 / 1 |
On “An EOQ model for perishable items under stock-dependent selling rate and time-dependent partial backlogging” by Dye and Ouyang
2014-06-06 |
095 / 2 |
Optimal ordering policies when the supplier provides a progressive interest scheme
2017-03-08 |
091 / 2 |
Note: A note on 'optimal payment time under permissible delay in payment for products with deterioration'
2013-02-27 |
096 / 1 |
Effective investment to reduce lost-sales rate in a periodic review inventory model
2017-01-09 |
096 / 1 |
Retailer's inventory policy and supplier's delivery policy under two-level trade credit strategy
2017-03-22 |
096 / 2 |
Optimal pricing, shipment and payment policy for an integrated supplier-buyer inventory model with two-part trade credit
2013-11-15 |
096 / 1 |
The inter-dependent reductions of lead time and ordering cost in periodic review inventory model with backorder price discount
2010-08-09 |
079 / 1 |
Two characteristic properties of the uniform distribution
2010-06-16 |
068 / 2 |
The distribution of quadratic forms in multivariate normal random variables
2010-06-16 |
096 / 2 |
Retailer’s optimal order policy for deteriorating items with ramp type demand under stock-dependent consumption rate
2013-12-06 |
096 / 1 |
An EOQ model with limited storage capacity under trade credits
2016-12-21 |
098 / 1 |
Coordinating replenishment and pricing policies for non-instantaneous deteriorating item with price sensitive demand
2013-09-27 |
099 / 2 |
A particle swarm optimization for solving joint pricing and lot-sizing problem with fluctuating demand and trade credit financing
2013-06-07 |
091 / 2 |
Economic order quantity with partial backorders under supplier credit
2017-01-06 |
093 / 1 |
An inventory model for deteriorating items with exponential declining demand and partial backlogging
2012-02-22 |
086 / 2 |
An identity for the conditional expectations of functions of adjacent order statistics
2016-12-21 |
095 / 1 |
A study on an inventory model for non-instantaneous deteriorating items with permissible delay in payments
2010-06-16 |
094 / 2 |
Integrated vendor–buyer cooperative inventory models with controllable lead time and ordering cost reduction
2017-01-13 |
090 / 1 |
Lead time reduction models with defective items subject to a service level constraint
2017-01-18 |
091 / 1 |
Bayesian Assessment for Some Process Capability Indices
2010-06-16 |
087 / 1 |
An identity for the expectations of joint functions of nonadjacent order statistics.
2013-11-26 |
093 / 2 |
An EOQ model for deteriorating items under trade credits
2010-06-16 |
093 / 1 |
Integrated vendor–buyer cooperative models with stochastic demand in controllable lead time
2012-03-03 |
086 / 2 |
Two characteristic properties of the exponential distribution based on order statistics
2014-01-17 |
094 / 1 |
Optimal inventory policy with noninstantaneous receipt under trade credit
2017-03-08 |
083 / 2 |
Optimal Pricing Advertising and Quality Strategies Making in A Monopolistic Firm
2010-06-16 |
094 / 1 |
Deterministic economic production quantity models with time-varying demand and cost
2010-06-16 |
088 / 1 |
Optimal inventory policies involving variable lead time with defective items
2014-01-06 |
085 / 1 |
On characterizing distributions by conditional expectations of functions of order statistics
2013-12-09 |
096 / 2 |
Comment on ‘An ordering policy for deteriorating items with allowable shortage and permissible delay in payment’ by Jamal,Sarker and Wang
2013-09-11 |
098 / 1 |
Optimal lot size for an item with partial backlogging rate when demand is stimulated by inventory above a certain stock level
2014-12-24 |
098 / 1 |
Retailer’s optimal pricing and ordering policies for non-instantaneous deteriorating items with price-dependent demand and partial backlogging
2015-03-25 |
089 / 1 |
Continuous review inventory models for defective items with variable setup cost and lead time
2021-05-07 |
097 / 2 |
A measuring model of process capability to consider sampling error
2016-11-28 |
095 / 2 |
A minimax distribution free procedure for periodic review inventory model with backorder price discounts and lead time dependent ordering cost
2016-11-29 |
100 / 2 |
The EOQ with defective items and partially permissible delay in payments linked to order quantity derived algebraically
2014-03-12 |
100 / 1 |
Optimal ordering policy in response to a temporary sale price when retailer's warehouse capacity is limited
2013-10-03 |
098 / 2 |
An inventory model with temporary price discount when lead time links to order quantity
2013-09-05 |
099 / 2 |
An Optimal Replenishment Policy for Deteriorating Items with Stock-dependent Demand and Relaxed Terminal Conditions under Limited Storage Space
2015-01-22 |
084 / 1 |
Characterization through the conditional expectation of a function of one order statistic relative to an adjacent one
2012-02-22 |
096 / 1 |
Determining optimal selling price and lot size with a varying rate of deterioration and exponential partial backlogging
2012-02-22 |
088 / 1 |
Lead time and ordering cost reductions in continuous review inventory systems with partial backorders
2012-02-22 |
085 / 2 |
Price-Production Decisions under Various Optimizing Criteria in an Oligopolistic Market
2014-01-01 |
100 / 2 |
A joint optimal ordering and delivery policy for an integrated supplier-retailer inventory model with trade credit and defective items
2014-03-12 |
094 / 1 |
Optimal Strategy for the Integrated Vendor-Buyer Inventory Model with Adjustable Production Rate and Trade Credit
2013-12-06 |
097 / 2 |
The optimal pricing and ordering policy for an integrated inventory model when trade credit linked to order quantity
2013-09-11 |
098 / 1 |
An optimization approach for joint pricing and ordering problem in an integrated inventory system with order-size dependent trade credit
2014-12-24 |
094 / 2 |
Fuzzy mixture inventory model involving fuzzy random variable lead-time demand and fuzzy total demand
2017-01-12 |
089 / 2 |
A period review inventory-control system with variable lead time
2016-12-12 |
100 / 2 |
The retailer's optimal ordering policy with trade credit in different financial environments
2014-03-10 |
083 / 2 |
2013-03-12 |
078 / 2 |
2013-03-12 |
079 / 1 |
2013-03-12 |
101 / 2 |
Retailer's optimal order and credit policies when a supplier offers either a cash discount or a delay payment linked to order quantity
2014-03-12 |
095 / 1 |
Analysis of optimal vendor-buyer integrated inventory policy involving defective items
2013-06-07 |
084 / 2 |
Characterizations of the Power and Pareto Distributions
2013-06-11 |
092 / 1 |
An EOQ model for deteriorating items under supplier credits linked to ordering quantity
2013-06-07 |
091 / 1 |
Bayesian estimations of some process capability Indices under restrictive assumptions
2013-06-07 |
101 / 2 |
A new process capability analysis chart approach on the chip resistor quality management
2015-05-22 |
095 / 2 |
Applied Product Capability Analysis Chart in Measure Step of Six Sigma
2013-08-08 |
097 / 2 |
The communion bridge to Six Sigma and process capability indices
2014-12-10 |
102 / 1 |
A comprehensive extension of the optimal replenishment decisions under two levels of trade credit policy depending on the order quantity
2015-05-22 |
102 / 1 |
Impacts of collaborative investment and inspection policies on the integrated inventory model with defective items
2015-05-22 |
099 / 1 |
The optimal ordering policy with trade credit under two different payment methods
2014-05-02 |
102 / 2 |
Using a QCAC-Entropy-TOPSIS approach to measure quality characteristics and rank improvement priorities for all substandard quality characteristics
2015-06-02 |
102 / 2 |
Optimal replenishment decisions under two-level trade credit with partial upstream trade credit linked to order quantity and limited storage capacity
2015-11-26 |
102 / 2 |
Optimal credit period and lot size for deteriorating items with expiration dates under two-level trade credit financing
2015-05-22 |
099 / 2 |
An integrated vendor-buyer inventory model with defective items and partial backlogging
2014-06-23 |
079 / 2 |
2014-09-22 |
102 / 2 |
Optimal order policy in response to announced price increase for deteriorating items with limited special order quantity
2016-03-18 |
102 / 1 |
An integrated inventory model with quality improvement and two-part credit policy
2015-11-24 |
103 / 1 |
A note on “Optimal replenishment policies for non-instantaneous deteriorating items with price and stock sensitive demand under permissible delay in payment”
2015-11-24 |
103 / 1 |
Optimal pricing and ordering policies for non-instantaneously deteriorating items under order-size-dependent delay in payments
2017-03-08 |
103 / 1 |
Optimal ordering policy for an economic order quantity model with inspection errors and inspection improvement investment
2015-11-24 |
102 / 1 |
Optimal production lot with imperfect production process under permissible delay in payments and complete backlogging
2015-12-14 |
103 / 2 |
An integrated inventory model with capacity constraint and order-size dependent trade credit
2015-11-30 |
103 / 2 |
An integrated approach for defining bicycle design factors with consideration of gender differences
2016-12-22 |
105 / 2 |
An arithmetic-geometric mean inequality approach for determining the optimal production lot size with backlogging and imperfect rework process
2021-05-07 |
105 / 2 |
Applying MQCAC and fuzzy TOPSIS to improve the unleaded gasoline quality
2017-06-14 |
106 / 2 |
Trend Models on the Academic Ranking of World Universities
2018-08-09 |
106 / 2 |
Modified Stepwise Regression Models on Simplifying the ARWU’s Indicators
2018-08-09 |
106 / 2 |
Supplier-retailer production and inventory models with defective items and inspection errors in non-cooperative and cooperative environments
2024-01-18 |
065 / 1 |
Random-width interval estimation of the largest mean of k exponential populations
2014-09-29 |
089 / 1 |
Impact of investing in quality improvement on (Q, r, L) model involving the imperfect production process
2017-01-13 |
087 / 2 |
(Q,R,L) inventory model involving quantity discounts and a stochastic backorder rate
2016-10-18 |
088 / 2 |
Defective units in (Q,r,L) inventory model with sub-lot sampling inspection
2017-01-04 |
092 / 1 |
An integrated single-vendor single-buyer inventory system with shortage derived algebraically
2010-06-16 |
090 / 1 |
Mixture inventory model involving variable lead time and controllable backorder rate
2017-02-23 |
089 / 2 |
(Q, r, L) Inventory model with defective items
2016-10-18 |
089 / 1 |
Mixture inventory model involving setup cost reduction with a service level constraint
2014-01-06 |
088 / 2 |
A Replenishment Policy for Deteriorating Items with Ramp Type Demand Rate
2014-06-24 |
088 / 1 |
A Minimax Distribution Free Procedure for Stochastic Inventory Models with a Random Backorder Rate
2017-06-07 |
088 / 2 |
The variable lead time stochastic inventory model with a fuzzy backorder rate
2010-06-16 |
090 / 2 |
Setup cost and lead time reductions on Stochastic Inventory models with a Service Level constraint
2010-06-16 |
092 / 1 |
Fuzzy mixture inventory model with variable lead-time based on probabilistic fuzzy set and triangular fuzzy number
2017-01-12 |
091 / 2 |
On an EOQ model for deteriorating items with time-varying demand and partial backlogging
2017-03-07 |
087 / 2 |
Mixture Inventory model involving variable lead time and defective units
2015-01-07 |
092 / 2 |
A minimax distribution free procedure for mixed inventory model with backorder discounts and variable lead time
2015-01-07 |
084 / 2 |
Mixture Inventory Model with Backorders and Lost Sales for Variable Lead Time
2017-02-23 |
087 / 2 |
A minimax distribution free procedure for (Q,R,L) inventory model subject to a service level constraint
2016-11-28 |
088 / 2 |
(Q, R) inventory control involving a variable backorder rate
2015-03-25 |
088 / 2 |
Quality improvement on lot size reorder point model with partial backorders based on limited information of demand
2015-01-07 |
091 / 2 |
Examining the relationship between money uncertainty and inflation in Taiwan
2017-01-10 |
092 / 1 |
Economic order quantity with allowable shortage and quantitydiscounts under permissible delay in payments
2017-01-06 |
093 / 1 |
Sampling inspection strategy on continuous review inventory model with a service level constraint
2017-03-23 |
089 / 2 |
(Q, R, L) inventory model involving a service level constraint with defective items
2016-10-18 |
089 / 2 |
The effects of investing in lost sales reduction on the stochastic inventory models
2017-04-27 |
071 / 1 |
On Characterizations of the Exponential and Its Related Distributions by Order Statistics
2010-06-16 |
071 / 2 |
On Characterizations of Distributions by Conditional Expectations
2010-06-16 |
095 / 2 |
Inventory and pricing strategies for deteriorating items with shortages: A discounted cash flow approach
2017-01-16 |
073 / 1 |
Invariant sequential estimation of an exponential parameter by order statistics
2017-06-08 |
072 / 1 |
A characterization of the exponential distribution
2017-06-08 |
076 / 1 |
An Optimal Choice of Components for Parallel Systems
2010-06-16 |
075 / 1 |
On characterization of probability distributions based on conditional expected values
2014-09-15 |
087 / 1 |
The newsboy problem with defective items and random demand
2013-12-28 |
089 / 1 |
Lead Time Variability Reduction on EMQ Model with Imperfect Production Process
2017-06-15 |
091 / 1 |
Quality improvement, setup cost and lead-time reductions in lot size reorder point models with an imperfect production process
2017-03-21 |
093 / 1 |
Investing in lost sales reduction on periodic review inventory model with a service level constraint.
2017-06-14 |
088 / 1 |
Stochastic Inventory Models Involving Variable Lead Time with a Service Level Constraint
2013-12-30 |