
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
082 / 1 郵寄問卷回應速率與人口統計特徵之研究 #04.優質教育 2010-06-16
082 / 1 郵寄問卷回應速率之研究 #04.優質教育 2010-06-16
099 / 1 An Empirical Study of Taiwanese EFL Learners' Word Association Skills from the Formal Perspective #04.優質教育 2012-02-17
099 / 2 Empirical Analyses of the Causes of Non-performing Loans of Taiwan and Its Comparison to Japan #04.優質教育 2012-03-11
101 / 1 年輕族群對創新產險商品購買意願之研究 #04.優質教育 2021-04-13
101 / 1 Explaining Bank Efficiency Differences between China and Taiwan by Meta-Frontier Cost Function #04.優質教育 2020-07-09
101 / 1 The Competitive Position of Shanghai in the Asia-Pacific Region: a Comparative Study #04.優質教育 2013-05-28
099 / 1 What Caused the Soaring Non-Performing Loans in Taiwan from the Late 1990s to the Beginning of 2000s? Evidence from Panel Data of Domestic Banks #04.優質教育 2016-11-24
102 / 2 The Geospatial Analysis of China's Banks: Empirical Evidence from Agricultural Bank of China during the Period 1992-2008 #04.優質教育 2017-06-27
103 / 1 Identifying Determinants of Branch Performances in Agricultural Bank of China: A Spatial Econometric Approach #04.優質教育 2021-04-16
104 / 1 Regional Performance of China's Banks: Evidence from Industrial and Commercial Bank of China #04.優質教育 2020-07-09
105 / 2 How did Japanese exports evolve from 1995 to 2014? A spatial econometric perspective #04.優質教育 2021-04-16
106 / 1 What Explains German Export Performances? Spatial Econometric Evidences: 1995 to 2014 #04.優質教育 2021-04-16
106 / 1 不同通路對自用汽車車體損失保險理賠之影響 #04.優質教育 2021-04-16
107 / 1 二階段臺北市運動中心經營績效評估及空間相關檢定 #04.優質教育 2019-03-29
110 / 2 Success or paradox? Explaining South Korean export behaviour: spatial spillover effects and destination markets #04.優質教育 2022-09-20
112 / 1 臺灣地區溺水事件之空間分析-以水域救援統計資料為例 #04.優質教育 #17.夥伴關係 2024-02-19