
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
111 / 1 Reviewer of International Journal of Production Research (manuscript ID TPRS-2022-IJPR-1531) #尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #夥伴關係 2022-08-09
111 / 1 Reviewer of Sustainability (manuscript ID sustainability-1841681) #可負擔的潔淨能源 #負責任的消費與生產 2024-02-16
111 / 1 Reviewer of RAIRO - Operations Research (manuscript ID ro220177R1) #負責任的消費與生產 2024-02-16
111 / 1 Reviewer of Computers & Industrial Engineering (manuscript ID CAIE-D-22-01997) #可負擔的潔淨能源 #負責任的消費與生產 2024-02-16
111 / 1 Reviewer of AIMS Energy (manuscript ID energy-391) #可負擔的潔淨能源 #負責任的消費與生產 2022-08-21
111 / 1 Reviewer of International Journal of Information and Management Sciences (manuscript ID IJIMS#9) 2023-07-11
111 / 1 Reviewer of RAIRO - Operations Research (manuscript ID: ro220177R2) #負責任的消費與生產 2022-09-27
111 / 1 Reviewer of Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (manuscript ID: ASMB-22-57.R1) #負責任的消費與生產 2022-09-27
111 / 1 Reviewer of International Journal of Production Research (manuscript ID: TPRS-2022-IJPR-1853) #負責任的消費與生產 #氣候行動 2022-10-05
111 / 1 Reviewer of International Journal of Systems Science (manuscript ID: TSYB-2022-0029) #負責任的消費與生產 2024-02-16
111 / 1 Reviewer of International Journal of Production Research (manuscript ID: TPRS-2022-IJPR-2009) #負責任的消費與生產 2022-10-22
111 / 1 Reviewer of Mathematical Problems in Engineering (manuscript ID: 959601) 2022-11-05
111 / 1 Reviewer of Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering (manuscript ID:TJCI-2022-0156) 2024-02-16
111 / 1 Reviewer of RAIRO - Operations Research (manuscript ID: ro220454) 2024-02-16
111 / 1 Reviewer of International Journal of Production Research (manuscript ID: TPRS-2022-IJPR-2056) #負責任的消費與生產 2024-02-16
111 / 1 擔任台灣醫療決策科學學會秘書長 #良好健康和福祉 2024-07-03
111 / 1 Reviewer of International Transactions in Operational Research (manuscript ID: ITOR-22-OA-0295.R1 2024-02-16
111 / 1 Reviewer of European Journal of Industrial Engineering (manuscript ID:EJIE-135866) #負責任的消費與生產 2023-02-21
111 / 2 Reviewer of Journal of Control and Decision (manuscript ID:TJCD-2023-0052) 2024-02-16
111 / 2 Reviewer of International Journal of Production Research (manuscript ID: TPRS-2023-IJPR-0287) 2023-04-01
111 / 2 Reviewer of European Journal of Industrial Engineering (manuscript ID: EJIE-134948) 2024-02-16
111 / 2 擔任教師升等審查委員 2023-04-10
111 / 2 Reviewer of Environmental Science and Pollution Research (manuscript ID: ESPR-D-22-13173) 2024-02-16
111 / 2 擔任輔仁大學法企業管理學系管理學碩士在職專班研究生孫羽「服務場景與恢復體驗之探討-以警察人員為例」論文口試委員 2023-04-19
111 / 2 協助新北私立及人中學模擬面試委員 2024-02-16
111 / 2 Reviewer of International Journal of Information and Management Sciences (manuscript ID: 49) 2023-05-22
111 / 2 擔任研討會論文審查人 2024-02-16
111 / 2 擔任2023年提升競爭力與經營管理研討會會議評論人 2024-02-16
111 / 2 擔任健行科技大學國際企業經營系碩士班研究生陳雅惠論文口試委員 2023-05-22
111 / 2 擔任國際研討會ICHSM2023「Technical Program Committee Chair」 2023-05-22
111 / 2 Reviewer of Operations Research Forum (manuscript ID: a7f8aa1a-3156-4c48-a222-a52e530811c2) 2023-06-04
111 / 2 擔任健行科技大學國際企業經營系碩士班研究生陳星喆論文口試委員 2023-06-27
111 / 2 擔任健行科技大學國際企業經營系碩士班研究生薛素梅論文口試委員 2023-06-27
111 / 2 擔任健行科技大學國際企業經營系碩士班研究生陳怡伶論文口試委員 2023-06-27
111 / 2 擔任南華大學管理科學博士班論文口試委員 2024-02-16
111 / 2 擔任南華大學管理科學碩士班論文口試委員 2023-06-27
111 / 2 擔任健行科技大學國際企業經營系碩士班研究生邱俊豪論文口試委員 2023-06-27
111 / 2 擔任健行科技大學國際企業經營系碩士班研究生黃鈺婷論文口試委員 2023-06-27
111 / 2 擔任健行科技大學國際企業經營系碩士班研究生陳紀妍論文口試委員 2023-06-27
111 / 2 Reviewer of Scientific Programming (manuscript ID: 3198385) 2023-07-04
111 / 2 Reviewer of International Journal of Information and Management Sciences (manuscript ID IJIMS#46) 2023-07-11
111 / 2 擔任樹德科技大學經營管理研究所碩士論文口試委員 2024-02-16
111 / 2 Reviewer of International Journal of Production Research (manuscript ID: TPRS-2023-IJPR-1329) 2024-02-16
112 / 1 Reviewer of Mathematics (manuscript ID: 2528293) 2024-02-16
112 / 1 Reviewer of Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation (manuscript ID: GSCS-2023-0344) 2023-08-09
111 / 2 擔任輔仁大學企業管理學系經碩士在職專班論文口試委員 2023-08-09
111 / 2 擔任輔仁大學商學研究所博士班論文口試委員 2024-02-16
111 / 2 擔任輔仁大學統計資訊學系碩士班論文口試委員 2023-08-09
111 / 2 擔任輔仁大學資訊管理學系碩士班論文口試委員 2024-02-16
112 / 1 擔任「2023第十屆全人健康促進學術研討會」論文發表場次主持人 2024-02-16
112 / 1 擔任「2023ERP實習顧問結案競賽暨成果發表會」評審 2024-02-16
112 / 1 Poster Session Chair of 2023 International Symposium on Medical Decision Science 2023-09-12
112 / 1 Reviewer of Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (manuscript ID: 4403361) 2023-10-06
112 / 1 Reviewer of International Journal of General Systems (manuscript ID: GGEN-2023-0377) 2024-03-21
112 / 1 Reviewer of Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering (manuscript ID: TJCI-2023-0198) 2023-11-14
112 / 1 Reviewer of International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management (manuscript ID: TMSE-2023-0379) 2023-11-27
112 / 1 Reviewer of Journal of Testing and Evaluation (manuscript ID: JTE-2023-0469) 2023-11-30
112 / 1 Reviewer of International Journal of Information and Management Sciences (article number:70) 2023-12-12
112 / 1 Reviewer of Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering (manuscript ID: TJCI-2023-0313) 2023-12-12
112 / 1 Reviewer of Mathematics (manuscript ID: mathematics-2824386) 2024-01-13
112 / 1 Reviewer of International Journal of Information and Management Sciences (manuscript ID IJIMS#63) 2024-01-14
112 / 1 Reviewer of International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management (manuscript ID:TMSE-2023-0451) 2024-01-27
112 / 1 Reviewer of Sustainability (manuscript ID: sustainability-2850061) 2024-01-29
112 / 1 擔任「中華民國品質學會第59屆年會暨國際品質管理研討會」論文發表場次主持人 2024-02-16
112 / 1 擔任健行科技大學國際企業經營系碩士班論文口試委員 2024-02-16
112 / 2 Reviewer of Journal of Testing and Evaluation (manuscript ID: JTE-2024-0046) 2024-02-06
112 / 2 Reviewer of Soft Computing (manuscript ID: SOCO-D-23-07119) 2024-02-14
112 / 2 Reviewer of International Journal of Information and Management Sciences (manuscript ID IJIMS#85) 2024-02-17
112 / 2 Reviewer of International Journal of Information and Management Sciences (manuscript ID IJIMS#96) 2024-02-24
112 / 2 Reviewer of Operations Research and Decisions (manuscript ID ORD-00492-2023-01) 2024-02-25
112 / 2 Reviewer of YUJOR (manuscript ID YUJOR-2024-0019 ) 2024-02-29
112 / 2 Reviewer of PLOS ONE(manuscript ID: PONE-D-24-00923) 2024-03-10
112 / 2 Reviewer of Journal of Data Analysis (manuscript ID: #169) 2024-03-17
112 / 2 Reviewer of Frontiers in Public Health (manuscript ID:1399988) 2024-04-04
112 / 2 Reviewer of International Journal of Information and Management Sciences (manuscript ID IJIMS#78) 2024-04-11
112 / 2 Reviewer of IEEE Access (manuscript ID Access-2024-00534) 2024-04-11
112 / 2 Reviewer of International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics (manuscript ID: TSYB-2023-0399) 2024-04-28
112 / 2 Reviewer of Operational Research (manuscript ID: ORIJ-D-24-00016) 2024-05-04
112 / 2 臺北城市科技大學教師升等審查委員 2024-05-04
112 / 2 新生醫護管理專科學校1122學期課程審查委員 #良好健康和福祉 #優質教育 2024-05-04
112 / 2 Reviewer of Complexity (manuscript ID: 9951078) #負責任的消費與生產 2024-05-11
112 / 2 Reviewer of Frontiers in Public Health, section Public Health and Nutrition (manuscript ID: 1391658) #良好健康和福祉 2024-05-12
112 / 2 Reviewer of Journal of Quality 2024-05-19
112 / 2 Reviewer of Frontiers in Environmental Science, section Environmental Economics and Management 2024-05-29
112 / 2 Reviewer of Ain Shams Engineering Journal 2024-06-20
112 / 2 Reviewer of Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 2024-07-15