
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
095 / 2 國內外教育科技人才培育之目標與師資初探 2010-06-16
092 / 1 教學科技產品研究之專案管理 2010-06-16
092 / 1 從績效科技的觀點檢視教育科技之專業知能 2010-06-16
092 / 1 利用電子績效支援系統轉變教學模式之探討--以大學生物醫學科技課程為例 2010-06-16
095 / 2 Practice makes better? A study of meditation learners in a classroom environment 2017-03-14
095 / 1 The KM chain - Empirical study of the vital knowledge sourcing links 2010-08-09
101 / 1 How the curriculum of instructional technology aligns with global trends 2021-05-07
097 / 1 The antecedents of e-learning outcome: An examination of system quality, technology readiness and learning behavior 2015-03-10
098 / 1 Employee Empowerment in a Technology Advanced Work Environment 2014-12-17
097 / 1 What affects organizational performance? The linking of learning and knowledge management 2013-10-11
096 / 1 Are people willing to learn? An application of the theory of planned behaviour on adults' deeper learning 2011-09-12
094 / 2 國小自然與生活科技領域教師於獨立思考與解決問題能力之教學現況調查研究 2011-09-12
092 / 1 臺灣教育傳播與科技的推動者─專訪台灣 2011-09-12
093 / 1 建構輔助志工督導電子績效支援系統之研究—以臺北市政府社會局信義社會福利服務中心為例 2011-09-12
097 / 1 銀行風險管理人員專業能力之研究 2013-12-27
094 / 2 學校知識管理的成本效益分析與運用 2013-12-20
094 / 2 電子績效支援系統導入教育機構之探討 2013-12-20
095 / 1 技職校院學生生涯規劃之探討 2013-12-25
097 / 2 教育科技專業人員專案管理能力分析之研究 2015-03-17
096 / 1 The warranty policy under fuzzy environment 2013-12-09
096 / 2 The implication of instructional design practice for university faculty’s professional development in Taiwan 2011-10-07
094 / 2 Evaluation in the design of complex systems 2011-09-12
098 / 1 Alternative organisational learning therapy: An empirical case study using behaviour and U theory 2013-10-11
097 / 1 Applying deeper learning and Confucian values in enhancing school effectiveness: Empirical results and findings 2013-10-11
097 / 2 數位內容教學設計師專業職能之研究 2015-03-10
094 / 1 閱讀策略教學-「故事地圖」應用與分享 2011-09-12
095 / 1 電腦化教學設計工具之分析與應用 2011-09-12
094 / 2 從創新與推廣的觀點看教導型組織如何在國內推動 2013-12-25
094 / 2 組織導入數位學習:如何踏出成功的第一步? 2013-12-25
094 / 2 探討人力資源發展成果—談組織評鑑教育訓練之模式 2013-12-25
095 / 1 成人學習與網路輔助教材設計 2013-12-25
095 / 1 全面品管之人力資源管理在組織發展各階段目標策略之探討 2013-12-25
095 / 1 以禪修紓解工作壓力俾建構有效率的人力資源管理 2011-09-12
093 / 2 需求評估研究:建構支援國小高年級自然與生活科技領域教師之電子績效支援系統 2011-09-12
098 / 2 Individual differences and job performance: The relationship among personal factors, job characteristics, flow experience, and service quality 2014-12-22
098 / 1 Influence of online learning skills in cyberspace 2015-03-17
099 / 1 Meditation, learning, organizational innovation and performance 2015-03-10
099 / 1 The factors influencing employees' attitudes in high-tech environment 2014-12-17
098 / 2 The Mediate Effect of Trust on Organizational Online Knowledge Sharing: An Empirical Study 2013-10-11
099 / 1 Wiki應用於大學教職員工作之初探 2013-12-25
100 / 1 How social identification and trust influence organizational online knowledge sharing 2013-06-15
100 / 2 The mediating effect of website quality on Internet searching behavior 2014-03-13
100 / 2 虛擬社群知識分享行為影響因素之初探 2013-12-25
102 / 1 How system quality and incentive affect knowledge sharing 2021-05-11
099 / 1 探討多企業實務社群發展歷程之個案研究-以知識長交流會為例 2015-03-17
104 / 1 職能模式的發展與評鑑 2016-03-28
104 / 1 依計畫行為理論探討教師使用教育雲端服務之意圖研究 2016-12-20
104 / 1 參與動機與心流體驗對大學教師在學習社群中知識分享之效應 2024-03-08
102 / 2 Enabling innovative ability: knowledge sharing as a mediator 2021-05-11
107 / 2 實務社群於大學校園的應用 2019-06-28
107 / 2 政策倡導聯盟架構分析我國國民小學小校整併政策之研究 2019-06-28
107 / 2 透過分散性領導經營教師專業學習社群-以國小資訊科技教學社群為例 2019-09-17
107 / 2 大學教師學習社群知識分享影響因素之研究 2019-09-24
108 / 1 From the view of customer orientation to explore the adaptive learning- Taking the “adaptive learning” as an example 2019-10-03
108 / 1 從微世界觀點探討金融素養-以期貨知識向度為例 #優質教育 #尊嚴就業與經濟發展 2021-03-24
108 / 2 Exploring the learning effectiveness of financial literacy from the microworld perspective: Evidence from the simulated transactional interactive concurrent system #優質教育 #尊嚴就業與經濟發展 2021-07-07
110 / 1 Leisure Satisfaction Influences Learning Performance Among Community College Students 2022-07-04
110 / 2 學習支援與學生學業表現之關聯性分析:以淡江大學為例 2022-04-19
111 / 1 The Antecedents of University Students’E-Learning Outcome under the COVID-19 Pandemic: Multiple Mediation Structural Path Comparison 2024-01-19