學年期 | 標題 | Sdgs | 更新時間 |
099 / 2 | 海峽兩岸簽訂ECFA後對台灣壽險業之影響-風險與效益評估 | 2013-10-23 | |
099 / 1 | A Comparison of Bancassurance and Traditional Insurer Sales Channels | 2016-11-14 | |
099 / 1 | An examination of key factors influencing bancassurance success – Taiwan and mainland China evidence | 2013-10-23 | |
099 / 2 | 美日兩國金融機構使用顧客資料相關法令之比較-以銀行保險為例 | 2013-10-24 | |
099 / 2 | A Study of Travel Agencies’ Human Resources in Relation to Internet Marketing | 2013-10-24 |