
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
099 / 1 The Nernst-Planck Equation in Cylindrical Space and Time Coordinates for the Chloride-Ion Transport Phenomenon in Concrete Materials Using Theoretical Study 2017-05-02
094 / 2 Static Instability Analysis of Long-Span Cable-Stayed Bridges with Carbon Fiber Composite Cable under Wind Load 2017-03-29
099 / 1 Dynamic Behavior of Taipei 101 Tower: Field Measurement and Numerical Analysis 2014-03-20
099 / 1 Progressive Failure Simulation of Security Cable Barriers 2015-01-08
100 / 2 Ultimate Load-bearing Capacity of Self-anchored Suspension Bridges 2013-05-06
095 / 1 Study on the Fire Safety of Steel Structure 2014-03-25
095 / 2 斜張橋影響線分析之研究 2014-03-25
095 / 2 Stochastic Static Analysis of a Cable-Stayed Bridge 2014-07-17
098 / 2 The Influence of Broken Cables on the Structural Behavor of Long-Span Cable-Stayed Bridges 2013-06-25
098 / 2 自錨式吊拉組合橋車道荷載影響線之探討 2014-03-25
093 / 2 應用碳纖維索的大跨度斜拉橋結構振動特性 2014-03-25
093 / 1 應用碳纖維索的大跨度斜拉橋靜力學特性分析 2014-03-25
099 / 1 Stability Analysis of Special-Shape Arch Bridge 2017-03-28
100 / 2 An Investigation into the Dynamic Mechanical Behaviors of Special-Shaped Arch Bridges 2014-01-24
099 / 2 融雪除冰用鋼纖維石墨導電混凝土電熱及溫敏性能研究 2014-03-20
075 / 2 土壤液化分析所需地震規模值之決定 2013-06-07
094 / 1 鋼梁抗火能力之探討 2013-06-07
096 / 1 自錨式懸索橋影響線分析 2013-06-07
085 / 1 火害後鋼筋混凝土梁強度與勁度之衰減 2013-06-07
092 / 2 單柱式點支承曲線連續箱型梁橋的分析 2014-04-18
095 / 2 斜張橋影響線隨機分析之研究 2013-12-27
101 / 1 Study on the Seismic Behavior of Self-anchored Suspension Bridges 2015-06-03
098 / 2 台北101大楼风致响应实测及分析 2014-03-23
098 / 2 異型拱橋的拱軸線優化分析 2014-07-17
098 / 2 自錨式吊拉組合橋靜態荷載反應之探討 2014-03-25
094 / 1 碳纖維索取代鋼索對中跨徑斜張橋靜態力學行為影響之探討 2014-03-26
091 / 2 翹曲效應對不同支承配置曲線梁內力之影響 2015-06-15
098 / 1 A Case Study of Reliability Analysis on the Damage State of Existing Concrete Viaduct Structure 2016-11-14