
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
093 / 1 以風險值的觀點探討現行信用交易之最低擔保維持率 2010-06-16
094 / 1 以風險值觀點評論現行信用交易最低擔保維持率水準 – 跳躍擴散模型之應用 2010-06-16
091 / 2 風險值的探討-外匯投資組合之應用 2010-06-16
096 / 1 Normal and abnormal information transmissions: evidence from China's stock markets 2013-03-12
094 / 1 Estimation of Value-at-Risk under jump dynamics and asymmetric information 2013-03-12
094 / 2 Hedging with Zero-Value at Risk Hedge Ratio 2013-03-12
092 / 2 日經225指數期貨之避險績效與最適避險策略之探討 2013-04-11
094 / 2 Clearing margin system in the futures markets—Applying the value-at-risk model to Taiwanese data 2013-07-09
094 / 1 價格跳躍下的風險值估計--以S& P 500現貨、美國30年公債期貨與布蘭特原油期貨為例 2013-07-11
101 / 2 One Gold, Two Currencies: Price Discovery between Spot Exchange Rate and Implied Exchange Rate Derived from Futures 2017-03-08
101 / 1 Evaluating and improving GARCH-based volatility forecasts with range-based estimators 2013-10-24
093 / 2 價格跳躍下的最適避險策略 -日經225指數現貨與期貨 2014-05-12
113 / 1 The economic value of Bitcoin: A volatility timing perspective with portfolio rebalancing #01.消除貧窮 2025-01-22
111 / 2 Does the tail risk index matter in forecasting downside risk? #01.消除貧窮 #04.優質教育 2025-01-22
111 / 2 Disposition, Confidence, and Profits and Losses: Evidence from the Taiwan Warrant Markets #01.消除貧窮 #04.優質教育 2025-01-22
109 / 2 Trading activity and price discovery in Bitcoin futures markets 2025-01-22
108 / 1 Price Discovery and Trading Activity in Taiwan Stock and Futures Markets 2025-01-22
108 / 2 Improving the realized GARCH’s volatility forecast for Bitcoin with jump-robust estimators 2025-01-22
108 / 1 The impact of liquidity on portfolio value-at-risk forecasts. 2025-01-22
106 / 2 VIX期貨與VIX交易所交易商品價格發現的實證研究 2025-01-22
104 / 2 The Impact of Speculative Trading Activity on Return and Volatility in Taiwan Futures Market 2025-01-22
104 / 1 Evaluation of realized multi-power variations in minimum variance hedging 2025-01-22
103 / 1 Volatility forecasts: do volatility estimators and evaluation methods matter? 2025-01-22
102 / 1 Financial performance and business risk of futures commission merchants: A panel threshold regression 2025-01-22
099 / 1 Skewness and leptokurtosis in GARCH-typed VaR estimation of petroleum and metal asset returns. 2025-01-21
099 / 2 Minimum variance hedging with bivariate regime-switching model for WTI crude oil 2025-01-21
099 / 2 Empirical analysis of jump dynamics, heavy-tails and skewness on value-at-risk estimation 2025-01-21
098 / 2 Forecasting S&P100 stock index volatility: the role of volatility asymmetry and distributional assumption in GARCH models. 2025-01-21
098 / 1 Deregulation and liberalization of the Chinese stock market and the improvement of market efficiency 2025-01-21
096 / 2 Estimation of value-at-risk for energy commodities via fat-tailed GARCH models. 2025-01-21
095 / 1 Jump risk of presidential election: evidence from Taiwan stock foreign exchange markets. 2025-01-21
095 / 1 Hedging for multi-period downside risk in the presence of jump dynamics and conditional heteroscedasticity. 2025-01-21
113 / 2 Do price jumps matter in volatility forecasts of US treasury futures? 2025-01-22