
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
098 / 1 Analysis and Compensation of DC Offset in OFDM Systems Over Frequency-Selective Rayleigh Fading Channels #04.優質教育 2016-12-22
096 / 1 BER Analysis of OFDM Systems Impaired by DC Offset and Carrier Frequency Offset in Multipath Fading Channels #04.優質教育 2016-12-26
096 / 1 MMSE Multiuser Receiver for Uniformly Quantized Synchronous CDMA Signals in AWGN Channels #04.優質教育 2017-02-23
096 / 2 Effects of Channel Estimation Error in the Presence of CFO on OFDM BER in Frequency-Selective Rayleigh Fading Channels #04.優質教育 2017-06-14
092 / 2 BICM 和MMSE多使用者接收器的隨機傳播的CDMA 信號的光譜的效率和切斷比率 #04.優質教育 2016-12-26
096 / 1 針對均勻量化同步分碼多工系統信號於加成性白色高斯雜訊通道下的最小均方誤差多用戶接收器 #04.優質教育 2011-10-15
096 / 1 正交分頻多工系統在多重路徑衰減通道中遭受直流偏移與載波頻率偏移之位元錯誤率分析 #04.優質教育 2011-10-15
096 / 2 通道估計誤差對有載波頻率偏移之正交分頻多工誤碼率在頻率選擇通道下之影響 #04.優質教育 2011-10-15
100 / 1 BER Analysis of OFDM Systems Impaired by Phase Noise in Frequency-Selective Fading Channels #04.優質教育 2013-09-09
100 / 1 LMMSE Estimation of Equivalent Noise Variance in Amplify-and-Forward Relay Communication Systems #04.優質教育 2017-06-15
100 / 2 Iterative Interference Cancellation for OFDM Signals With Blanking Nonlinearity in Impulsive Noise Channels #04.優質教育 2013-05-21
100 / 2 Analysis of Correlation between ICI and Desired Carrier Power in OFDM Systems over Frequency-Selective Ricean Fading Channels under the Influence of Doppler Spread #04.優質教育 2016-12-23
107 / 1 A Reading Assistant System Based on Restoring Warped Document Image #04.優質教育 2019-03-29
102 / 2 Performance of Fixed Gain Amplify-and-Forward Relay Systems with Partial Channel State Information #04.優質教育 2019-03-29
108 / 2 A high capacity reversible data hiding through multi-directional gradient prediction, non-linear regression analysis and embedding selection #04.優質教育 2021-07-13