
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
073 / 1 Transverse vibrational and static deflectional problems of orthotropic circular plates with sinusoidally varying edge constraints 2010-06-16
073 / 1 Transverse vibrational and static deflectional problems of orthotropic annular plates under arbitrary outer edge constraints and various inner edge constraints : method of solution 2010-06-16
073 / 1 Transverse vibrational and static deflectional problems of orthotropic annular plates under sectionally uniform outer edge constraints and various inner edge constraints 2010-06-16
076 / 1 The first excited symmetrical modes of transverse vibrations of orthotropic circular plates with uniform edge constraints 2010-06-16
076 / 1 The first excited symmetrical modes of transverse vibrations of orthotropic circular plates with sectionally uniform edge constraints 2010-06-16
076 / 2 On the form of the transverse deflection function in the Galerkin procedure 2010-06-16
077 / 1 The first free nonsymmetrical modes of transverse vibrations of orthotropic circular plates with uniformly elastically restrained edges 2010-06-16
064 / 2 科學中化的實施辦法 2010-06-16
066 / 2 民族靈魂、精神與自信 2010-06-16
066 / 2 論身教重於言教 2010-06-16
066 / 2 「發揚民族駐義復興中華民族」自序 2018-04-16
064 / 1 科學中化與心理建設 2010-06-16
064 / 1 以科學中化開創全民科學 2010-06-16
064 / 2 科學中化的時代意義 2010-06-16
064 / 2 從思想教育及中英文程度低落談科學中化 2010-06-16
064 / 2 推動科學中化應先做的心理建設 2010-06-16
065 / 1 科學中化與科學生根 2010-06-16
067 / 2 民生主義與資本主義在本質上的差異 2010-06-16
065 / 2 電腦的教學功能 2010-06-16
065 / 2 從熱力學觀點談石化氣的經濟價值 2010-06-16
066 / 2 變廢物為能源--現代點金術 2010-06-16
066 / 2 核能發電的展望 2010-06-16
065 / 2 電腦教學與發展中文電腦 2010-06-16
065 / 2 神奇的維他命C(1-4) 2010-06-16
066 / 2 礦物燃料的展望 2010-06-16
066 / 2 過關斬將打通科學中化的道路 2010-06-16
066 / 2 節省能量的可行途徑 2010-06-16
067 / 1 科技發展與科技政策 2010-06-16
066 / 2 去偽立信, 重整道德 : 讀吳愛潔女士"演講與家書"一文有感 2010-06-16
066 / 1 A study of simultaneous flow of heat and electrons in an anisotropic medium in the presence of an external magnetic field 2010-06-16
067 / 1 Damped oscillators 2010-06-16
067 / 1 Trapped waves on a string with two discontinuities 2010-06-16
068 / 2 On the vector field and the subsidiary condition 2010-06-16
062 / 2 States of the equilibrium of the various types and transitions from types to types 2010-06-16
074 / 2 Transverse vibrational and static deflectional problems of orthotropic circular plates clamped at the centers and sectionally uniformly restrained at the edges 2010-06-16
072 / 2 The transverse vibration of an orthotropic circular plate under an arbitrary edge constraint 2010-06-16
075 / 1 Transverse vibrational and static deflectional problems of orthotropic circular plates clamped at the centers and sinusoidally restrained at the edges 2010-06-16
079 / 1 Several free nonsymmetrical modes of transverse vibrations of orthotropic circular plates with uniformly elastically restrained edges 2010-06-16
077 / 2 On the Lorentz transformation properties of thermodynamic variables 2010-06-16
078 / 2 On the relativistic statistical distribution functions and density operators 2010-06-16
079 / 1 The first excited first nonsymmetrical modes of transverse vibrations of orthotropic circular plates with uniform edge constraints 2010-06-16
080 / 1 The Second Excited Symmetrical Modes of Transverse Vibrations of Orthotropic Circular Plates with Uniform Edge Constraints 2010-06-16
080 / 1 Several first excited nonsymmetrical modes of transverse vibrations of orthotropic circular plates with uniformly elastically restrained edges 2010-06-16
081 / 2 Damped oscillators (II) 2010-06-16
082 / 2 Several second excited nonsymmetrical modes of transverse vibrations of orthotropic circular plates with uniformly elastically restrained edges 2010-06-16
082 / 2 The second excited first nonsymmetrical modes of transverse vibrations of orthotropic circular plates with uniform edge constraints 2010-06-16
064 / 2 Alternate formulation of electron-photon interactions in relativistic quantum mechanics 2018-04-16
071 / 1 Transverse vibrational and static deflectional problems of orthotropic circular plates under arbitrary edge constraints : method of solution 2010-06-16
071 / 1 Transverse vibrational and static deflectional problems of orthotropic circular plates with sectionally uniform edge constraints 2010-06-16
065 / 2 Symmetrical formulation of electron–photon scattering in relativistic quantum mechanics 2017-03-29
067 / 1 電腦教學之代用符號 2010-06-16
065 / 2 電腦教學的幾種命題方式 2010-06-16
065 / 1 科學中化素描 2010-06-16
061 / 1 科學中化 2010-06-16
048 / 1 Extra solutions of the dispersion relations and resonance scattering 2017-01-11
049 / 1 Analytical properties of s-matrix and uniqueness of the scattering potential 2011-10-24
065 / 1 Erratum: "Alternate formulation of electron–photon interactions in relativistic quantum mechanics" 2013-05-31
066 / 2 自覺覺人、匯成力量--終止社會與教育互為因果的惡性循環 2013-07-11
065 / 1 再談科學中化中的英語教學 2013-07-11
064 / 2 研讀 蔣公遺訓 淺評當今推動的精神建設 2013-07-11
074 / 2 科技文明的反省--由思想教育及中英文程度低落問題談科學中化 2013-07-11