
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
091 / 2 Below-Replacement Fertility and Prospects for Labour Force Growth in Taiwan 2016-12-26
092 / 2 Foreign Direct Investment and International Labour Migration in Economic Development: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand 2017-06-15
096 / 2 Outward foreign direct investment and inward international labor migration: substitutes or complements? 2014-01-01
089 / 2 Urban population in Taiwan and the growth of the Taipei metropolitan area 2011-10-20
088 / 2 Demographic and employment change in the mega-cities of south-east and East Asia 2017-01-04
091 / 1 Labor migration and regional changes in East Asia : Outflows of Thai workers to Taiwan 2017-06-15
087 / 2 Determinants of fast repeat migrations of the labor force : Evidence from the linked national survey data of Taiwan 2015-12-30
088 / 1 Labor Migration and Allocation of Human Resources in Taiwan: Return and Onward Cases 2017-06-14
090 / 1 Labour importation and unemployment of local workers in Taiwan 2017-06-14
091 / 2 「人力短缺與外籍勞工:日本、南韓及台灣之比較分析」計畫簡介 2017-06-14
089 / 1 International migration and structural change in the APEC member economies 2017-01-16
101 / 1 Regional Integration in Southeast Asia 2017-03-22
100 / 2 經濟發展、外人直接投資與國際勞工移動:「投資-移民-發展路徑」的分析架構 2013-10-21
100 / 2 印尼和泰國的經濟發展、外人直接投資與國際勞工移動:IMDP分析架構之驗證 2013-10-21
103 / 2 Domestic Impacts of Outward FDI in Taiwan: Evidence from Panel Data of Manufacturing Firms 2015-12-10
099 / 2 東亞國家超低生育率的成因、困境與策略回應 2015-12-30
099 / 1 Industrialization, Modernization and Development in Taiwan, 1980-2000 2016-01-22
084 / 1 Data on International Migration to Taiwan 2015-12-30
084 / 1 Taiwan: Labour Importer 2015-12-30
084 / 1 Overview: Labour Migration in Asia 2015-12-30
082 / 2 Labor Recruitment in Taiwan: A Corporate Strategy in Industrial Restructuring 2015-12-30
081 / 1 Industrial Restructuring and International Competition in Taiwan 2015-12-30
081 / 1 Clandestine Labor Migration to Taiwan 2015-12-30
084 / 1 Labour Migration in Asia 2017-06-15
104 / 1 Migration between Southeast Asia and Taiwan: Trends, Characteristics, and Implications 2017-02-22
104 / 1 認識AEC以利掌握東協發展契機 2016-03-04
105 / 2 Country Heterogeneity and Home-Market Effects under FTA: With Special Reference to AEC 2017-10-26
106 / 1 近代東亞貿易雙軸心現象之演變 2019-11-25
108 / 2 Indonesian Migrant Workers in Taiwan: The State Dilemma and People’s Realities 2021-05-03
107 / 1 On the Determinant of Trading Hub in East and Southeast Asia: Theory and Empirical Evidence 2021-05-03