
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
080 / 2 積層板之整體與局部部分混合應力法分析 2010-06-16
087 / 1 變斷面變曲率拱受多支承運動之隨機面外分析 2010-06-16
086 / 1 Dynamic stiffness analysis for in-plane vibrations of arches with variable curvature 2017-01-06
086 / 1 An Analytical Solution for Out-of-plane Vibrations of an Arch with Variable Curvature 2015-06-05
088 / 1 Out-of-plane dynamic analysis of beams with arbitrarily varying curvature and cross-section by dynamic stiffness matrix method 2017-03-08
083 / 1 Bending analysis of bimodular laminates using a higher-order finite strip method 2016-12-26
089 / 1 In-plane vibration of laminated curved beams with variable curvature by dynamic stiffness analysis 2017-01-13
081 / 2 A Partial Hybrid Plate Element Formulation for Free Vibrations of Laminated Plates 2016-12-12
087 / 1 In-plane transient responses of an arch with variable curvature using the dynamic stiffness method with numerical laplace transform 2010-06-16
079 / 1 The application of higher-order plate theory to the finite strip method 2013-12-18
081 / 1 The Finite Element Analysis of Bimodulus Plates Based on a Higher-Order Plate Theory 2013-12-18
081 / 2 Vibration finite element analysis of bimodular laminates using a higher-order plate theory 2013-12-28
079 / 1 複合材料積層板整體與局部有限元素法分析 2010-06-16
087 / 1 An exact solution for in-plane vibrations of an arch having variable curvature and cross section 2016-12-21
080 / 2 Global-Local Analysis of Composite Plates Using Partial Hybrid Plate Element 2010-06-16
079 / 2 Partial Hybrid Stress Element for Mindlin Laminated Plates Theory 2013-12-28
080 / 1 A Partial Hybrid Stress Model for the Refined C Higher-Order Plate Theory 2016-12-12
079 / 1 Partial hybrid stress method applied to the higher-order laminated plates theory 2017-03-09
086 / 1 An accurate solution for the in-plane stochastic responses of arches with variable curvature subjected to base excitation 2010-06-16
081 / 2 部份應力模態有限元素法於層梁之靜力分析 2010-06-16
081 / 2 Bending analysis of bimodular laminates using a higher-order plate theory with the finite element technique 2016-12-26
088 / 1 An accurate solution for the responses of circular curved beams subjected to a moving load 2016-12-20
088 / 1 In-plane vibration of laminated curved beams with variable survature by dynamic stiffness analysis 2011-10-23
086 / 1 An analysical solution for out-of-plane vibrations for an arch with variable curvature 2016-12-20
073 / 1 Coupled thermo-mechanical and poro-mechanical respense evalious associaled with underground coal concersion 2017-01-03
081 / 2 Vibratinn finite element analysis of bimodular laminates using a highr-order plate theory 2024-04-08
087 / 1 Out-of-Plane Dynamic Responses of Non-Circular Curved Beams by Numerical Laplace Transform 2012-02-29
080 / 2 Partial hybrid strip model for higher-order laminated plate theory 2013-11-19
080 / 1 A Partial Hybrid Stress Model for the Refined C Higher-Order Plate Theory 2016-12-12
084 / 1 有限元素轉換矩陣法於層板之自由振動分析 2013-07-11
081 / 2 Free Vibration Analysis of Bimodulus Laminated Plates Using Higher-Order Plate Element 2013-07-11
081 / 1 Free Vibration of Orthotropic Laminated Plates According to Partial Hybrid Plate Element 2013-07-11
082 / 1 A refined finite strip method using higher-order plate theory 2014-03-21