
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
096 / 2 All graphs with maximum degree three whose complements have 4-cycle decompositions 2013-11-15
083 / 1 Almost resolvable directed 2r-cycle systems 2018-04-16
085 / 1 The intersection problem for semi-symmetric Latin squares 2010-06-16
090 / 1 The length of a partial transversal in a latin square 2010-06-16
096 / 1 Decomposition of Km,n into 4-cycles and 2t-cycles 2017-01-04
096 / 1 Packing 5-cycles into balanced complete m-partite graphs for odd m 2017-03-09
078 / 1 The intersection problem of Latin squares 2010-06-16
092 / 2 Totally symmetric latin squares with prescribed intersection numbers 2017-05-04
092 / 2 Decomposing Kn ∪ P into triangles 2010-06-16
084 / 2 Graph transformations which preserve the multiplicity of an eigenvalue 2017-01-13
087 / 2 Decomposition of Km,n into short cycles 2017-01-04
083 / 1 A new construction for a critical set in special Laitin squares 2018-04-16
094 / 1 Distance domination in partitioned graphs 2010-06-16
090 / 1 Two-colorable {C4, Ck}-designs 2010-06-16
078 / 1 The intersection of three distinct Latin squares 2010-06-16
086 / 1 The minimum size of critical sets in Latin squares 2017-05-02
079 / 1 The intersections of commutative Latin squares 2013-12-31
077 / 1 The mutual intersections of three distinct 1-factorizations 2013-12-31
086 / 1 Construction and enumeration of pandiagonal magic squares of order n from step method 2013-12-31
085 / 1 2-colouring {C3,C4}-designs 2018-04-16
077 / 1 如何建立一個成功的專家系統 2010-06-16
089 / 2 Numbers of common weights for extended triple systems 2010-06-16
076 / 1 On pentagon systems with prescribed intersections utilitas mathematica 2010-06-16
077 / 1 On the intersections of latin squares with holes 2010-06-16
089 / 1 Decomposition of 2Km,n into short cycles 2010-06-16
081 / 1 A note on the construction of a large set of Latin squares with one entry in common 2018-04-16
099 / 1 The spectrum of 4-cycles in 2-factorizations of Kn,n 2013-07-17
098 / 1 Cycle Decomposition of 2-fold Complete Tripartite Graphs and Generalized Pseudo-Characteristic 2011-10-01
098 / 1 Kite-designs intersecting in pairwise disjoint blocks 2018-04-09
092 / 2 An investigation of 2-critical sets in latin squares 2013-03-12
100 / 1 Integer-Magic Spectra of Sun Graphs 2017-01-13
100 / 2 On the existence of k-sun systems 2015-12-04
100 / 2 From steiner triple systems to 3-sun systems 2024-01-17
086 / 1 Decompositions of Km,n into 4-cycles and 8-cycles 2014-09-29
103 / 2 The triangle intersection problem for G-designs 2016-11-11
104 / 2 Decomposition of Complete Bipartite Graphs into Cycles of Distinct Even Lengths 2016-11-15