
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
086 / 2 交易信用下的重型需求者經濟訂購模型分析 #04.優質教育 2010-06-16
088 / 2 A generalized newsboy problem with purchase timing #04.優質教育 2015-03-25
088 / 1 缺貨水準受限下具有品管機制之分配未知擴充報童問題 #04.優質教育 2010-06-16
087 / 2 An analysis of light buyer's economic order model under trade credit 2017-06-15
094 / 2 台灣區農會信用部經營效率評估:非意欲因素資料包絡分析法的應用 #04.優質教育 2011-10-20
090 / 2 The Weekday Effects on the Returns and Volatility in the Affiliated APEC Stock Markets: Evidence from the EGARCH Model #04.優質教育 2011-10-20
088 / 2 基金經理人存活時間之計量模型―台灣的經驗 #04.優質教育 2011-10-20
091 / 2 政黨輪替與股市大崩盤對美國股市股價變動與波動性的影響 #04.優質教育 #16.和平正義與有力的制度 2011-10-20
093 / 2 具有狀態轉換過程下的臺灣股價指數與股價指數期貨市場的報酬與波動性動態關係 #04.優質教育 2017-05-31
088 / 2 現貨、近月期與近季期股價指數期貨市場間價格與價格波動性的資訊傳遞: 臺灣的早期經驗 #04.優質教育 #16.和平正義與有力的制度 2011-10-20
093 / 2 組合型認購權證評價模式之研究 #04.優質教育 2011-10-20
092 / 2 組織正義與知識分享關係之研究以台灣高科技產業研發部門為例 #04.優質教育 2011-10-20
098 / 1 Abnormal Stock Returns and Journalism’s Recommendations: Reexamining of Hybrid Grey-Market Model #04.優質教育 2014-05-27
098 / 1 Selecting the Portfolio Investment Strategy under Political Structure Change in the United States #04.優質教育 2013-09-25
098 / 1 Developed Stock Reaction to Political Change: A Panel Data Analysis #04.優質教育 2013-09-18
097 / 1 A Distribution Free Newsboy Problem with Purchase Timing 2016-11-21
090 / 2 Money, Output and Stock Price in Taiwan: An Application of Multivariate EC-EGARCH Model #04.優質教育 2011-10-20
091 / 2 The international Information Transmissions between Stock Index Futures and Spot Markets: The Case of Futures Contract Related to Taiwan Index #04.優質教育 2011-10-20
090 / 1 A Distribution Free Newsboy Problem under Shortage-level Constraints #04.優質教育 2016-11-21
093 / 2 The Impacts of Warrants Issuance on the Price and Trading Volumes of the Underlying Stock: The Call Warrants Case of Taiwan Stock Exchange #04.優質教育 2013-12-06
089 / 1 An Extended Newsboy Problem with Shortage-level Constraints #04.優質教育 2016-12-21
091 / 2 影響台灣上市公司申請上市被退件次數的決定因素 #04.優質教育 2011-10-20
092 / 2 論GARCH組合型權證的評價與避險 #04.優質教育 2011-10-20
092 / 2 應用Malmquist生產力指數於臺灣區自來水事業區處的效率評估 #04.優質教育 #16.和平正義與有力的制度 2011-10-20
093 / 1 職業棒球主場觀眾人數的影響因素之探討-以中華職棒聯盟為例 #04.優質教育 2017-03-14
098 / 2 Impact of Compositions and Characteristics of Board of Directors and Earnings Management on Fraud #04.優質教育 2015-01-22
100 / 2 Computing regression quantiles to analysis the relationship between market behavior and political risk #04.優質教育 2015-11-18
101 / 1 Asymmetric Dynamic Hedging Effectiveness: Evidence from Taiwan Stock Index Futures #04.優質教育 2015-11-19
099 / 2 The association between corporate technology positions strategy and corporate value: evidence from the listed electronic companies in Taiwan #04.優質教育 2014-06-26
092 / 1 政黨輪替與股市大崩盤對股價報酬與波動性的影響--以日本為例 #04.優質教育 2013-04-11
089 / 1 臺股指數期貨上市與現貨價格非對稱波動性的結構性改變--臺灣的早期經驗 #04.優質教育 #16.和平正義與有力的制度 2013-04-11
090 / 1 臺灣發行量加權股價指數期貨與現貨市場間之價量連動關係 #04.優質教育 2013-04-11
089 / 1 股價指數期貨上市與現貨價格波動性的結構性改變—以臺灣為例 2013-04-11
087 / 2 主管更迭的股東財富效果:以台灣上市公司董事長更迭為例 2013-04-11
089 / 1 股價指數期貨與現貨的波動性外溢:臺灣的實證 #04.優質教育 2013-04-17
091 / 1 影響台灣普通刑事犯罪率因素的探討 2013-04-17
098 / 2 Electoral information in developed stock market: testing conditional heteroscedasticity in the market model #04.優質教育 2015-06-15
102 / 1 臺灣職棒球隊補強策略之建構 #04.優質教育 #17.夥伴關係 2015-05-22
102 / 1 Has CEPA Increased Stock Market Dependence between Hong Kong and China? The Application of Conditional Copula Technique #04.優質教育 2015-05-22
102 / 2 Economic Integration and Structure Change in Stock Market Dependence: Empirical Evidences of CEPA #04.優質教育 2015-11-18
103 / 1 Backtesting VaR in consideration of the higher moments of the distribution for minimum-variance hedging portfolios #04.優質教育 2015-11-18
101 / 1 The Optimal Cooperative Relationship Evaluation Obtained Using TOPSIS Method #04.優質教育 2014-08-05
102 / 1 Asymmetric Dependence between Efficiency and Market Power: Longitudinal Perspective of the Taiwan Life Insurance Industry 2017-08-30
103 / 2 Hedging effectiveness of the hedged portfolio: the expected utility maximization subject to the value-at risk approach #04.優質教育 2017-08-30
104 / 1 Asymmetric Dependence between Efficiency and Market Power in the Taiwanese Life Insurance Industry #04.優質教育 2016-11-22
106 / 1 Ultimate Control Rights as Moderators of the Relationship between Market Power and Efficiency: The Case of the Taiwanese Life Insurance Industry #04.優質教育 2018-09-03
106 / 1 Impacts of Economic Integration on Stock Market Dependence without Jump Effects #04.優質教育 #17.夥伴關係 2018-09-03
106 / 2 Application of Grey Theory in the Construction of Impact Criteria and Prediction Model of Players’ Salary Structure #04.優質教育 #17.夥伴關係 2019-09-23
107 / 1 Comparing Hedging Effectiveness of Portfolios in the Greater Chinese Stock Exchanges: Evidence from a Modified Value-at-Risk Model #01.消除貧窮 #04.優質教育 2020-03-23
110 / 1 Applying Quantile Regression to Assess the Relationship between R&D, Technology Import and Patent Performance in Taiwan #04.優質教育 #17.夥伴關係 2021-09-30