088 / 2 |
On a heat conduction problem by Myshkis
2017-01-13 |
090 / 2 |
On primitive roots of one dimensional tori
2024-02-23 |
088 / 2 |
Distribution of units of real quadratic number fields
2017-01-06 |
091 / 2 |
On primitive roots of tori : The function field case
2017-03-08 |
086 / 1 |
The selmer groups of elliptic curves and the ideal class groups of quadratic fields
2017-05-03 |
085 / 1 |
The Selmer groups and the ambiguous ideal class groups of cubic fields
2017-05-03 |
089 / 1 |
On a density problem of elliptic curves over finite fields
2014-01-19 |