090 / 1 |
Chemical equilibrium of a degenerate gas of nucleons and electrons in a strong magnetic field
2010-06-16 |
081 / 1 |
Anyon equation on a torus
2016-12-23 |
082 / 2 |
Multiple Chern-Simons fields on a torus
2017-03-01 |
083 / 1 |
Operator algebra and braid group structure in chern-simons theory on a torus
2010-06-16 |
082 / 2 |
Braid group repersentation of anyon on a torus
2018-04-16 |
082 / 2 |
Reply to " Comment on ' Generalized commutators and deformation of strong coupling superconductivity' by A. Solomon and Mc-Dermott"
2010-06-16 |
090 / 1 |
Planar dirac electron in coulomb and magnetic fields : A bethe ansatz approach.
2014-11-03 |
079 / 1 |
Symmetry breaking by Wilson lines and finite-temperature effects
2017-03-29 |
085 / 2 |
Two-dimensional gases of generalized statistics in a uniform magnetic field
2017-05-04 |
079 / 1 |
Vector Pairing and Fluctuation-Induced Chern-Simons Term in Anyon Superconductivity
2017-05-08 |
081 / 2 |
Symmetry breaking by Wilson lines and finite temperature and density effects
2017-03-29 |
082 / 2 |
Induced θ-term in Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model at finite temperatures
2017-01-13 |
085 / 1 |
Effect of strong magnetic fields on the equilibrium of a degenerate gas of nucleons and electrons
2018-04-16 |
086 / 1 |
Condensation and magnetization of charged vector Boson gas
2024-03-29 |
086 / 2 |
Dirac electron in a coulomb field in 2+1 dimensions
2017-01-05 |
079 / 1 |
Constant Gauge Fields and Symmetry Breaking on Torus
2016-12-30 |
084 / 1 |
W(infinity) and SLq(2) algebras in the landau problem and chern-simons theory on a torus
2010-06-16 |
096 / 2 |
Quasi-exactly solvable Fokker–Planck equations
2017-03-21 |
096 / 2 |
Scattering of spin-polarized electron in an Aharonov-Bohm potential
2013-11-15 |
097 / 1 |
Prepotential approach to exact and quasi-exact solvabilities
2013-11-15 |
078 / 1 |
Field theory of geometric p-branes
2017-01-11 |
084 / 1 |
Quantum group symmetry in muliple chern-simons theory on a torus
2017-03-21 |
086 / 1 |
Condensation and magnetisation of charged vector Boson gas
2024-03-29 |
099 / 1 |
Quantum entanglement, unitary braid representation and Temperley-Lieb algebra
2014-12-03 |
097 / 2 |
Shape invariance in prepotential approach to exactly solvable models
2015-01-22 |
096 / 2 |
A novel quasi-exactly solvable model with total transmission modes
2013-03-12 |
096 / 2 |
Self-adjoint extensions of the Hamiltonian operator with symmetric potentials which are unbounded from below
2013-03-12 |
101 / 1 |
Degrees of entanglement for multipartite systems
2015-03-06 |
100 / 2 |
Similarity solutions of the Fokker–Planck equation with time-dependent coefficients
2015-03-06 |
100 / 2 |
Zeros of the exceptional Laguerre and Jacobi polynomials
2015-11-30 |
101 / 2 |
Confluence of apparent singularities in multi-indexed orthogonal polynomials: the Jacobi case
2015-03-06 |
099 / 2 |
Dirac(-Pauli), Fokker-Planck equations and exceptional Laguerre polynomials
2013-04-26 |
099 / 2 |
Prepotential approach to Quasinormal modes
2017-03-15 |
099 / 1 |
Similarty solution of a class of perturbative Fokker-Planck equation
2017-03-28 |
095 / 1 |
Quasi-exactly solvable quasinormal modes
2014-07-31 |
084 / 1 |
Quantum group symmetry in multiple Chern-Simons theory on a torus
2013-06-13 |
079 / 2 |
Hidden local symmetry and induced topological terms
2013-07-09 |
088 / 2 |
On the use of Mellin transform to a class of q-difference-differential equations
2013-07-09 |
081 / 2 |
Operator algebra in chern-simons theory on a torus
2014-11-05 |
092 / 2 |
Quantum metastability in a class of moving potentials
2015-03-25 |
088 / 2 |
Planar dirac electron in coulomb and magnetic fields
2015-03-25 |
089 / 2 |
Charged particles in external fields as physical examples of quasi-exactly-solvable models: A unified treatment
2015-03-25 |
095 / 1 |
Cosmological constant from gauge fields on extra dimensions
2013-07-09 |
079 / 1 |
Supersymmetry in the line/surface functional theory of strings and p-branes
2013-07-09 |
078 / 1 |
Dynamical symmetry breaking from toroidal compactification
2013-07-09 |
089 / 1 |
Simple variational approach to quantum Frenkel-Kontorova model
2013-07-09 |
085 / 2 |
Universality in Frenkel-Kontorova model with a cosh-type interaction
2013-07-09 |
083 / 2 |
Operator algebra in chern-simons theory on a torus : reply
2014-11-05 |
079 / 2 |
Wilson line breaking and vacuum stability in Kaluza-Klein cosmology
2013-07-09 |
086 / 2 |
Morse-type Frenkel-Kontorova model
2013-07-09 |
083 / 2 |
Spherelike solutions in surface functional theory and Dirac’s membrane model
2013-07-09 |
087 / 2 |
Pair production of charged vector bosons in supercritical magnetic fields at finite temperatures
2013-07-09 |
089 / 1 |
Recurrent dynamical symmetry breaking and restoration by Wilson lines at finite densities on a torus
2013-07-09 |
089 / 1 |
Fractional fermion number in a (1+1)-dimensional Dirac equation with a scalar Coulomb field
2013-07-09 |
097 / 2 |
Simple unified derivation and solution of Coulomb, Eckart and Rosen-Morse potentials in prepotential approach
2017-03-28 |
097 / 2 |
Fermion Pair Production in Planar Coulomb and Aharonov-Bohm Potentials
2013-07-18 |
100 / 1 |
Properties of the Exceptional (Xl) Laguerre and Jacobi Polynomials
2014-02-19 |
100 / 1 |
Prepotential Approach to Solvable Rational Potentials and Exceptional Orthogonal Polynomials
2014-02-20 |
100 / 1 |
Prepotential approach to solvable rational extensions of Harmonic Oscillator and Morse potentials
2014-11-05 |
101 / 2 |
Similarity solutions of Fokker-Planck equation with moving boundaries
2015-11-19 |
102 / 1 |
Generalized Rayleigh and Jacobi processes and exceptional orthogonal polynomial
2015-03-06 |
102 / 1 |
Scattering Amplitudes for Multi-indexed Extensions of Solvable Potentials
2015-11-30 |
100 / 1 |
Condition for tripartite entanglement
2015-11-30 |
103 / 1 |
On zero energy states in graphene
2017-06-23 |
103 / 1 |
Dirac equation with complex potentials
2018-04-09 |
104 / 1 |
Similarity solutions of Reaction-Diffusion equation with space- and time-dependent diffusion and reaction terms
2017-08-28 |
104 / 1 |
Modified Kortweg-de Vries equation approach to zero-energy states of graphene
2017-10-23 |
104 / 1 |
Multi-indexed Extensions of Soliton Potential and Extended Integer Solitons of KdV Equation
2017-08-28 |
105 / 2 |
Multi-qudit states generated by unitary braid quantum gates based on Temperley-Lieb algebra
2018-10-01 |
106 / 2 |
A Spectral Analysis of Discrete-Time Quantum Walks Related to the Birth and Death Chains
2019-09-19 |
107 / 1 |
Generalized Dirac Oscillators with position-dependent mass
2019-09-19 |
107 / 2 |
Convection-Diffusion-Reaction equation with similarity solutions
2019-09-02 |
109 / 1 |
Similarity solutions for a class of Fractional Reaction-Diffusion equation
2021-07-08 |
109 / 1 |
Discrete orthogonality relations for multi-indexed Laguerre and Jacobi polynomials
2022-07-04 |
110 / 1 |
Time-dependent Darboux transformation and supersymmetric hierarchy of Fokker–Planck equations
2023-07-04 |
112 / 1 |
Asymmetric space-dependent systems: partial stabilization through the addition of noise and exact solutions for the corresponding nonlinear Langevin equations
2024-08-12 |
111 / 2 |
Quantum chaos and Henon-Heiles model: Dirac's variational approach with Jackiw-Kerman function
2024-07-28 |
111 / 2 |
Zero energy states of Dirac equation in (2 + 1)-dimensional curved spacetime
2024-07-29 |
111 / 2 |
Supersymmetry and convection–diffusion–reaction equations
2024-07-29 |