
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
095 / 1 An Improved Unsupervised Clustering Algorithm based on Population Markov Chain 2013-10-08
093 / 2 An Efficient GA-Based Clustering Technique 2016-12-21
096 / 1 An Improved Shape Matching Technique 2016-12-21
096 / 2 Geometric Measures of Distance between Two Pitch Contour Sequences 2012-11-02
089 / 2 Off-Line Verification for Chinese Signatures 2012-10-15
094 / 2 Content-Based Image Retrieval Trained by Adaboost for Mobile Application 2014-12-27
095 / 1 Shape-Based Image Retrieval Based on B-Spline Curve 2014-01-03
097 / 1 Efficient Geometric Measure of Music Similarity 2013-11-08
098 / 1 Optimal reduction of solutions for support vector machines 2013-10-08
098 / 2 A hybrid optimization strategy for simplifying the solutions of support vector machines 2013-10-08
097 / 2 Fast copy-move forgery detection 2013-10-08
098 / 1 Moving Object Detection and Tracking Using GMM 2013-11-18
098 / 1 Face Detection using SVM-Based Classification 2013-11-18
097 / 2 Image Restoration with Missing Edge Detection 2012-10-16
078 / 1 Pushdown recognizers for array patterns 2014-01-07
097 / 2 Image Restoration with Broken Curve Prediction 2012-10-16
099 / 1 Watermarking technique based on DWT associated with embedding rule 2013-11-29
097 / 2 Optimal colourization for greyscale images 2014-12-27
099 / 1 Music Matching Based on Rough Longest Common Subsequence 2017-01-12
100 / 2 Image stylisation 2015-06-15
100 / 1 A flexible facial feature replacement system 2012-10-18
101 / 1 Effective Detection for Linear Up-Sampling by a Factor of Fraction 2013-05-22
097 / 1 Providing Data Items with Time Constraints in Multi-Channel Broadcasting Environments 2013-10-08
098 / 1 An Adaptive Video Shot Boundary Detection Method and Application to Soccer Video 2016-12-20
101 / 1 Flexible Colorization for Greyscale Videos 2014-01-24
092 / 1 Theoretical analysis of XL over small fields 2013-03-12
098 / 1 Rough-Set-Based Association Rules Applied to Brand Trust Evaluation Model 2024-03-21
098 / 2 Application Rough Sets Theory to Ordinal Scale Data for Discovering Knowledge 2024-01-18
102 / 2 Approximate Detection Method for Image Up-Sampling 2014-08-26
101 / 2 A Straight Line Preserving Seam Carving Technique 2024-03-08
099 / 1 Solving the Antisymmetry Problem Caused by Pitch Interval and Duration Ratio in Geometric Matching of Music 2015-01-22
102 / 2 An Image Effect Creation System 2015-11-20
102 / 1 Approximate Detection Method for Image Up-Sampling 2015-04-13
100 / 1 Facial Expression Synthesis Based on Imitation 2015-06-15
104 / 1 Flexible Facial Morphing 2024-01-22
104 / 2 Super-Resolution Based on Clustered Examples 2024-03-25
106 / 1 Demand Forecast and Multi-Objective Ambulance Allocation 2018-10-31
107 / 1 A study on the convolutional neural algorithm of image style transfer 2019-09-16
109 / 2 Multi-style image transfer system using conditional cycleGAN #04.優質教育 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2022-07-19
109 / 2 Empirical Spatial Density based Emergency Medical Service Demand Forecast for Ambulance Allocation #04.優質教育 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2023-05-05
110 / 2 User-Specified Image Color Transfer #04.優質教育 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 2023-07-17
110 / 2 Lighting-and Personal Characteristic-Aware Markov Random Field Model for Facial Image Relighting System 2023-07-03
111 / 2 Domain-Invariant Feature Learning for Domain Adaptation 2024-07-02
112 / 1 Arbitrary Style Transfer System with Split-and-Transform Scheme 2024-02-09
112 / 2 Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Deep Network Based on Discriminative Class-Wise MMD 2024-02-20
112 / 2 Effective Document Image Rectification via a Deep Learning Framework 2024-02-27
113 / 1 MeTa Learning-Based Optimization of Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Deep Networks 2025-01-14