
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
070 / 2 闡述領導行為 2010-06-16
088 / 1 The Relationship between Career Orientation and Performance of R&D Professionals in Taiwanese High-tech Firms 2010-06-16
092 / 1 Special-skills Payment-base from Viewpoint of Competitive Advantage: Exploratory Studies 2010-06-16
092 / 1 Performance appraisal across organizational life cycles 2014-12-03
093 / 1 Incentive reward with organizational life cycle from competitive advantage viewpoint 2014-12-03
077 / 1 決策活動本質的討論 2013-12-18
066 / 2 紡織品配額問題之探討及其改進意見 2010-06-16
092 / 2 Optimizing a manufacturing project by maximizing return on sales 2010-06-16
078 / 1 A study of the cognitive attributes of decision-makers in the decision processes 2010-06-16
079 / 1 A conceptual framework for problem discussion in problem solving 2016-11-15
086 / 2 壽險業外勤組織人員生涯導向和其所受教育訓練方式搭配與離職傾向相關之研究 2010-06-16
087 / 2 中國古代的人員篩選方法--以「古今圖書集成」「觀人部」為例 2010-06-16
088 / 2 企業文化發展與組織承諾的關聯性研究--被購併企業續留員工的觀點 2010-06-16
067 / 2 誰說我國企業家不負社會責任 2010-06-16
073 / 2 如何作一個領導者 2010-06-16
065 / 2 我國企業組織型態與基層行銷主管工作滿足之關係研究 2010-06-16
082 / 1 員工工作配適性程度、工作滿足、工作壓力三者之關係研究 2010-06-16
088 / 1 A Conceptual Selection Framework of Inside CEO Succession 2016-11-15
092 / 2 The Effect of the Competitive Status of an Organization on the Relevance of Different Performance Criteria: A Conceptual Analysis 2012-04-16
092 / 2 Direct Financial Payments within an Organization: A Competitive Advantage Perspective 2017-06-07
075 / 1 一個經由認知屬性建構的問題架構 2010-06-16
094 / 1 績效評估策略、績效模糊性與評估方法的應用 2010-06-16
091 / 2 知識管理思考兩岸直航與三通 2010-06-16
077 / 1 Decision Processes and Information 2010-06-16
093 / 1 Determining in-house/outsourcing activities of hi-tech project to seek ROS maximization 2017-01-04
092 / 1 A framework of direct financial pay within high-tech company 2015-01-07
096 / 2 A Systematic Framework for Performance Appraisal and Compensation Strategy 2014-12-03
097 / 1 台灣高科技廠商建立知識管理循環之研究 2011-10-04
098 / 1 考量數量折扣之整體供應鏈模型 2017-05-24
099 / 1 The Essence of Competence Concept: Adopting an Organization's Sustained Competitive Advantage Viewpoint 2013-09-18
100 / 1 Strategic Fit among Business Competitive Strategy, Human Resource Strategy, And Reward System 2014-05-26
092 / 1 The role of human capital cost in accounting 2010-06-16
091 / 1 人力資本支出與其會計屬性之探討 2010-06-16
090 / 2 A Discussion of Human Capital Expenditure Classification: Toward the Competitive Advantages of a Taiwan Company 2010-06-16
092 / 1 The measurement of human capital and its effects on the analysis of financial statements 2010-06-16
098 / 1 Systematic Linking of Organizational strategy, HR strategy and Training Strategy Across OLC 2014-06-25
100 / 1 Employee Perceptions of Justice in Extrinsic Reward Patterns 2013-12-02
077 / 1 Decision process and information 2011-10-20
100 / 2 Green Production Scheduling/Planning with Parallel-Machine Layout for Multiple Orders and Diversified Due Dates 2014-03-12
100 / 2 Bi-Level Model to Solve Scheduling Problem of Make-to-Order Production 2013-06-07
100 / 2 A Complicated Continuous Model of Supply Chain 2016-11-15
086 / 2 一個三階段式的高階管理人員內部繼任篩選模式 2013-03-12
068 / 2 我國企業擔負社會責任(公害防治與消費者利益)之實例研討 2013-03-12
087 / 1 企業策略類型與人力資源管理作業關聯之研究--以臺灣存款貨幣機構為例 2013-03-12
083 / 2 生涯發展、離職傾向及其關係之研究--以製造業及服務業為研究對象 2013-03-12
070 / 2 北市居民購宅問題之研討 2013-03-12
070 / 2 中韓紡織品出口配額管理制度之比較研究:兼論我國現行紡織品配額處理辦法 改進之道 2013-04-11
071 / 2 企業社會責任與企業社會會計 2013-04-11
073 / 1 組織內的資訊特性 2013-04-11
089 / 2 組織內薪酬給付基礎之整合性架構 2013-04-11
095 / 1 Key Trends of the Total Reward System in the 21st Century 2013-06-07
099 / 2 Core Competence: From A Strategic Human Resource Management Perspective 2013-06-13
079 / 1 需求與滿足關係之研究 2013-07-11
100 / 2 The Utility of O-T-P Model in Taiwan Coast Guard 2017-05-03
103 / 1 A Exploring the Dimensions of Personal Brands for Chief Executive Officers 2017-06-15
095 / 2 考量認知公平之薪酬策略研究 2015-06-08
104 / 1 A Systematic Framework for International Human Strategies 2016-12-15
104 / 1 Contingent Expatriate Training Strategies with Examples of Taiwan MNEs 2016-02-15
105 / 1 The Effects of Flipped Classroom on Learning Effectiveness: Using Learning Satisfaction as The Mediator 2016-11-04
105 / 1 How to Measure Personal Brand of a Business CEO 2024-03-04
105 / 1 The Impact of Second Generation National Health Insurance on Stock Prices- based upon Supplementary Premium Charges on Dividend Income 2017-02-15
105 / 1 How Incorporation of Information Technology in Teaching Affects Learning Satisfaction: A Case Study 2017-02-17
105 / 1 The effect of TQM strategy on learning satisfaction and loyalty of students-the mediation effect of teaching quality 2017-05-22
106 / 1 A scale for CEO personal brand measurement 2017-10-12
106 / 1 The impact of school brand, organization socialization and P-O Fit on student learning 2018-05-03