
教師資料查詢 | 教師:施國琛

# 學年期 類別 標題
673 93-1 參與學術服務 Asian Academy of Management Journal Associate Editor
674 96-2 參與學術服務 The International Journal of Distance Education Technologies Co-Editors-in-Chief
675 95-1 獲獎榮譽 The HSSS Award The Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies
676 96-2 短期講學研究 Japan The University of Aizu Distance Learning System Developmen
677 94-2 學術演講 International Forum, Outlook for e-Learning Using ADL-SCORM Technologies Invited Speaker, “Ubiquitous e-Learning with SCORM,”
678 95-2 學術演講 The 2006 Greater China Database Research Summit Invited Speaker, “e-Learning Database based on SCORM and CORDRA,”
679 95-1 學術演講 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Visual Information Processing (VIP06) Invited Talk, “Digital Inpainting,”
680 95-2 學術演講 Forum on Future Computing (FFC) – Transparent Computing and Active Services Invited Talk, “Digital Inpainting,”
681 96-1 學術演講 Special ICWL Workshop in Zhejiang Normal University Invited Talk, “Ubiquitous e-Learning with SCORM,”
682 94-2 學術演講 GCCCE2006 Tutorial Speaker, Research Issues on SCORM
683 94-2 學術演講 The 2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME’2006) Tutorial Speaker, Digital Inpainting
684 94-2 學術演講 The 5th International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL 2006) Tutorial Speaker, Research Issues on SCORM
685 95-1 學術演講 The 7th International Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Tutorial Speaker, Digital Inpainting
686 95-1 學術演講 The 7th Annual Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM 2006) Tutorial Speaker, Digital Inpainting
687 95-2 學術演講 The First International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication Tutorial Speaker, Digital Inpainting
688 96-1 學術演講 ACM Multimedia 2007 Tutorial Speaker, Digital Inpainting
689 94-1 學術演講 The Eleventh International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems Keynote Speech, Digital Inpainting
690 95-1 學術演講 The 2nd International Open and Distance Learning (IODL) Symposium Keynote Speech, Ubiquitous e-Learning with SCORM
661 93-2 參與國際學術活動 The 7th International Workshop on Multimedia Network Systems and Applications (MNSA'2005) Workshop Co-Chair
662 96-2 參與學術服務 Future Directions in Distance Learning and Communication Technologies Editors
663 96-2 參與學術服務 The International Journal of Web Information Systems (IJWIS) Editorial Board
664 96-2 參與學術服務 The Advances in Web-based Learning (AWBL) Book Series Editorial Advisory Board
665 96-2 參與學術服務 Advances in Distance Education Technologies Book Series Editorial Review Board
666 96-2 參與學術服務 International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (IJMUE) General Editor
667 96-2 參與學術服務 International Journal of Software Effectiveness and Efficiency (IJSEE) General Editor
668 96-2 參與學術服務 International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies (IJASS) Associate Editor
669 96-2 參與學術服務 Image and Video Processing (IVP) Associate Editor
670 96-2 參與學術服務 International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (IJITST) Far East Regional Editor
671 96-2 參與學術服務 Journal of Educational Technology & Society Advisory Board
672 96-2 參與學術服務 Journal of Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligence (JUCI) Associate Editor