
教師資料查詢 | 教師:鄭廖平

# 學年期 類別 標題
331 94-1 會議論文 類樹狀高分子聚離胺酸的分析之研究
332 98-1 會議論文 Preparation porous PVDF membrane by the gel system of PVDF/DMAc/IPA
333 98-1 會議論文 Network porous membrane prepared by phase inversion with gelled dope
334 94-1 會議論文 Formation of porous poly(vinylidene fluoride) membranes with symmetric or assymmetric morphology by immersion precipitation in the water/TEP/PVDF system.
335 98-2 會議論文 Formation of microporous PVDF membranes by immersion precipitation for membrane distillation
336 92-1 會議論文 Effect of Clay/Nylon 6 Nano-composite on the morphology of Nylon 6 Membranes
337 94-1 會議論文 Formation of microporous poly (hydroxybutyrate) membranes by phase inversion from the ethanol/chloroform/poly (hydroxybutyrate) system
338 94-1 會議論文 聚羥基丁酯包覆四環素之薄膜結構及其藥物釋放
339 102-1 研究獎勵 Preparation of Bi-continuous Macroporous Polyamide Copolymer Membranes for Cell Culture
340 102-1 研究獎勵 Precipitation Dynamics for the Formation of Nylon-6 Polyamide Membranes by Isothermal Precipitation in Water/Formic Acid Solutions
341 102-1 研究獎勵 Preparation of polymer/silica composite antiglare coatings on poly(ethylene terphathalate) (PET) substrates
342 102-1 研究獎勵 Preparation and characterization of polymer/zirconia nanocomposite antistatic coatings on plastic substrates
343 92-2 期刊論文 Fine structure of poly(vinylidene fluoride) membranes prepared by phase inversion from a water/N-methyl-2-pyrollidone/poly(vinylidene fluoride) system
344 91-2 期刊論文 Fine structure and formation mechanism of particulate phase-inversion poly(vinylidene fluoride) membranes
345 103-1 研發處: 研究計畫 (國科會) 開發新型具環保概念之多孔型薄膜製備方法及薄膜在微過濾與薄膜蒸餾之應用(2/2)
354 103-1 教學計畫表 化材二:工程數學 TEDXB2E0034 2B
355 103-1 教學計畫表 化材四:材料工程實驗 TEDXB4E2554 0D
356 103-1 教學計畫表 化材一:大學學習 TEDXB1T0863 0A
346 88-1 期刊論文 Effect of Temperature on the Formation of Microporous PVDF Membranes by Precipitation from 1-Octanol/DMF/PVDF and Water/DMF/PVDF Systems
347 80-2 期刊論文 Limitation on composition change during the isothermal mass-transfer processes in systems with limited miscibility
348 86-2 期刊論文 Formation of crystalline EVAL membranes by controlled mass transfer process in water–DMSO–EVAL copolymer systems
349 96-2 期刊論文 Characterization of Acrylic Copolymers Applied in Negative-type Photoresist via a Ternary Composition Diagram
350 87-2 期刊論文 Formation of particulate microporous poly(vinylidene fluoride) membranes by isothermal immersion precipitation from the 1-octanol/dimethylformamide/poly(vinylidene fluoride) system
351 89-1 會議論文 聚硫化苯與聚二氟乙烯摻合的界面相容性反應與物性之分析
352 103-1 教學計畫表 化材三:高分子材料 TEDXB3E2342 0C
353 103-1 教學計畫表 化材三:高分子材料 TEDXB3E2342 0A
357 95-1 會議論文 多孔型PVDF薄膜固定離胺酸與己二胺用於細胞培養
358 92-2 會議論文 顆粒型PVDF薄膜之製備、改質及生醫技術上的應用(I)
359 85-2 會議論文 Formation of Particulate PVDF Membranes by Immersion Precipitation from 1-Octanol/Dimethylformamide/PVDF System
360 88-1 會議論文 Effect of Salt Additive on the Formation of Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) Membranes by Phase Inversion from LiCIO4/Water/DMF/PVDF System