
教師資料查詢 | 教師:曾琇瑱

# 學年期 類別 標題
31 106-1 教學研習 確保學生學習成效系統AOL說明會(一)(2017-10-23 12:00:00 ~ 13:00:00)
32 106-1 教學研習 『AR/VR顛覆未來學習想像』專題演講活動(2017-10-12 14:00:00 ~ 16:00:00)
33 106-1 教學計畫表 自然科學學門:生活邏輯 TNUUB0S0353 0A
34 106-1 教學計畫表 機電系光機一:微積分 TEBAB1S0325 1R
35 106-1 教學計畫表 數學系數學三:應用數學 TSMAB3S0524 1A
36 106-1 教學計畫表 機電系精密一:微積分 TEBBB1S0325 1R
37 106-1 教學計畫表 數學系數學一:基礎數學 TSMAB1S0252 1A
38 104-2 期刊論文 Modeling the release of a reagent from an inwardly tapered disk with a central hole
39 104-1 期刊論文 Ionic Current Rectification in a pH-tunable Polyelectrolyte Brushes Functionalized Conical Nanopore: Effect of Salt Gradient
40 105-1 期刊論文 Influences of Cone Angle and Surface Charge Density on the Ion Current Rectification Behavior of a Conical Nanopore.
41 105-1 期刊論文 Diffusiophoresis of a pH-regulated Toroidal Polyelectrolyte in a Solution Containing Multiple Ionic Species
42 105-2 期刊論文 Importance of Polyelectrolyte Modification for Rectifying the Ionic Current in Conically Shaped Nanochannels
43 105-2 期刊論文 Ionic Current Rectification in a Conical Nanopore: Influences of Electroosmotic Flow and Type of Salt
44 105-2 期刊論文 Separation of Charge-regulated Polyelectrolytes by pH-assisted Diffusiophoresis
45 106-1 研發處: 研究計畫 (國科會) 奈米孔道之離子濃度極化及離子電流整流:孔道形狀、鹽濃度與離子種類的影響(1/2)
46 107-1 研發處: 研究計畫 (國科會) 奈米孔道之離子濃度極化及離子電流整流:孔道形狀、鹽濃度與離子種類的影響(2/2)
47 105-1 期刊論文 Salinity Gradient Power: Optimization of Nanopore Size
48 105-2 期刊論文 Ion Current Rectification Behavior of Bioinspired Nanopores Having a pH-Tunable Zwitterionic Surface
49 105-2 非教學研習 「心肺復甦術加自動體外心臟電擊去顫器(CPR+AED)講解及實作」活動(2017-06-20 08:00:00 ~ 14:00:00)
50 102-2 輔導社團 淡江大學電子競技社 社團指導教師
51 105-1 研究獎勵 Influence of Double-layer Polarization and Chemiosmosis on the Diffusiophoresis of a Non-spherical Polyelectrolyte
52 105-1 研究獎勵 Diffusiophoresis of Polyelectrolytes: Effects of Temperature, pH, Type of Ionic Species and Bulk Concentration
53 105-1 研究獎勵 Diffusiophoresis of a Soft, pH-regulated Particle in a Solution Containing Multiple Ionic Species
54 105-1 研究獎勵 Diffusiophoresis of a Charged, Rigid Sphere in a Carreau Fluid
55 105-1 研究獎勵 Electrophoresis of Two Spheres: Influence of Double Layer and van der Waals Interactions
56 105-1 研究獎勵 Salinity Gradient Power: Influences of Temperature and Nanopore Size
57 105-1 研究獎勵 Influence of Electroosmotic Flow on the Ionic Current Rectification in a pH-Regulated, Conical Nanopore
58 105-1 研究獎勵 Diffusiophoresis of a Charged Toroidal Polyelectrolyte
59 105-2 教學研習 許世壁教授學術專題演講(第14屆國家講座得獎人)(2017-05-09 16:00:00 ~ 17:30:00)
60 105-2 非教學研習 理學院學術研究諮詢中心系列演講二(2017-03-21 12:00:00 ~ 14:00:00)