
教師資料查詢 | 教師:林蒼祥

# 學年期 類別 標題
511 98-1 其他 ”MOU後 金融業的下一步 ”名家新論 ("After the MOU, the next step of the financial industry")
512 98-1 其他 ”亞太籌資中心是政策或口號 ”社評 ("Asia Pacific Funding Center is a policy or slogan?")
513 98-2 其他 ”開放金融不要阿Q”論壇 ("There's no need to argue in opening finance")
514 92-2 其他 以更開放態度解決兩岸經貿開放的困難 (Solving the difficulties in cross-strait economic and trade openings with a much more opening attitude)
515 92-2 其他 兩岸金融監理合作應與直航談判同步推動 (Cross-strait financial supervision cooperation should be synchronize promote with direct flight negotiations)
516 92-2 其他 520後兩岸金融業發展趨勢座談會 : 政治打活結, 兩岸金融好解套 (Cross-strait financial industry development trend symposium after May 20th : A good solution for cross-strait financial is to hit knots in politics)
517 92-2 其他 金融股長線 多頭起飛 (Long-term transactions in financial stocks leads a rise of Bull)
518 92-2 其他 獨立董監 該不該強制設立? (下) (Should independent director be forced establishing?(Ⅱ))
519 92-2 其他 獨立董監 該不該強制設立? (上) (Should independent director be forced establishing?(Ⅰ))
520 92-1 其他 只要風險控管得宜 債多不愁 (As long as the risk control is appropriate,there's no need to worry about the debts)
521 92-1 其他 ETF開創台灣金融商品新紀元---台灣TTT深具發展潛力 (ETF creates a new era of Taiwan's financial goods---Taiwan's TTT has great potential in developing)
522 92-1 其他 台灣產業的生態結構轉型 (The ecological structure transformation of Taiwan's industry)
523 92-1 其他 人民幣升值壓力下 台灣產業轉型走向 (The trend of Taiwan's industrial transformation under the pressure of CNY appreciation)
524 92-1 其他 為台灣金融業 找回春天---基金監督機構 兼顧獨立性 (Spring to life for Taiwan's Financial Industry---have a balance between Fund's supervision agency and independence)
525 92-1 其他 健全債市 發展台灣成為亞太籌資中心 (Perfect bond market, developing Taiwan into Asia-Pacific fundraising center)
526 92-1 其他 活絡金融市場 資產證券化扮要角---確實算出價格 負面表列管理 (To active financial market, Asset Securitization plays a role of -- calculate the indeed price, negative list management)
527 92-1 其他 新巴賽爾協定 建構風控三大支柱---金融監理 兩岸合作 (Basel II constructing three tillars of risk control---Financial Supervision and Cross-Strait Cooperation)
528 92-1 其他 提升金融競爭力 RTC不能延宕 (To improve financial competitiveness, RTC cannot delay)
529 92-1 其他 賦予金融重建基金獨立性及快速能力 (Emdowing RTC with independence and rapid capabilities)
530 86-2 會議論文 Pricing fixed income securities with stochastic vclatilities
531 88-1 會議論文 BOT investment strategy as a portfolio of real options
532 88-2 會議論文 Sequential venture capital investment as real options
533 87-2 會議論文 The impact of stochastic volatility on the pricing of fixed income securities
534 93-2 會議論文 Estimated oil convenience yield and demand/supply shock
535 86-2 會議論文 亞洲金融風暴下, 企業財務應如何操作?
536 86-2 會議論文 全球化金融市場的安全問題
537 86-2 會議論文 財務金融政策
538 89-1 會議論文 Conducting stress tests of asian stock portfolios-A comparison of models
539 91-2 會議論文 ETF與衍生性金融商品座談會
540 90-2 會議論文 Bank management and the credit process