
教師資料查詢 | 教師:陳淼勝

# 學年期 類別 標題
91 88-1 研究報告 分食性新產品之上市時機選擇及定價策略
92 87-1 研究報告 異質銷售力之佣金制度的研究
93 81-1 研究報告 不確定性需求下之生產速率控制的模式分析-以單製程及雙重製程的貨品為例
94 85-1 研究報告 所得稅課稅模式之研究
95 88-1 研究報告 交易信用下的輕型需求者經濟訂購模型分析
96 78-2 期刊論文 Note on the production function for organizations doing case work
97 76-1 期刊論文 On the optimum structure of the hierarchy in an organisation
98 78-2 期刊論文 An Example of Disbenefits of Centralized Stocking
99 77-2 期刊論文 Effects of Centralization on Expected Costs in a Multi-location Newsboy Problem
100 87-2 期刊論文 On the leadtime effect of two-stages production planning with random point demand
101 88-2 期刊論文 The effect of finite resource on environmental policy
106 74-2 期刊論文 A Note on Opial's Inequality
102 88-2 期刊論文 A generalized newsboy problem with purchase timing
103 94-1 期刊論文 Optimization model for salesforce compensation under effort level
104 69-2 期刊論文 A Note on Kannan's Fixed Point Theorem
105 84-1 期刊論文 Cognitive approach in an iconbased human-computer interface design
107 83-2 期刊論文 The best opportunity and quantity of complete pre-ordered mechandise supply
108 63-1 期刊論文 On the Conjugating Representation of a Finite Group
109 88-1 期刊論文 The impact of firm-firm externalities on environmental standard
110 87-1 期刊論文 A dynamic model of the effect of consumer's internal reference prices adjustment on demand function shifting
111 71-1 期刊論文 Programming with fuzzy operations
112 71-2 期刊論文 Programming with Fuzzy Operations Ⅱ
113 73-1 期刊論文 Group Choice and Socially Satisfactory Rule
114 67-2 期刊論文 Note on Permutation Representations of Finite Groups
115 86-1 期刊論文 The determination of timing and technology level of an abatement investment
116 86-2 期刊論文 交易信用下的重型需求者經濟訂購模型分析
117 76-1 期刊論文 On organization design from an informational approach
118 88-1 期刊論文 The optimal penetration pricing strategy model under the dynamic demand function
119 87-2 期刊論文 An analysis of light buyer's economic order model under trade credit
120 83-1 期刊論文 The optimal arrangement of communication centres linked by a trunk