Impacts of price and quality perceptions on individuals’ intention to participate in marathon events: Mediating role of perceived value
學年 111
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2023-06-16
作品名稱 Impacts of price and quality perceptions on individuals’ intention to participate in marathon events: Mediating role of perceived value
著者 Wang, F. J.; Hsiao. C. H.; Shih. W. H.; Chiu, W
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 SAGE Open, 13(2), 1-11.
摘要 This study examines the relationships among perceived price, quality, and value and their impact on the intent to participate in marathon events. An online questionnaire survey was administered to individuals who had participated in a marathon within the past 10 years. Participants were selected using purposive sampling. A total of 609 valid responses were collected. The results showed that both perceptions of price and quality of marathon events are significant predictors of intention to participate in marathon events. Moreover, participants’ perceived value mediated the impacts of perceived price and quality on behavioral intention. The findings offer key implications including ways to promote active participation in marathon events. In addition, the findings emphasize the need to account for and fully understand perceived price and quality when designing marketing strategies aimed at attracting marathon participants.
關鍵字 behavioral intention;marathon;perceived value;sports involvement;perceived price;perceived quality
語言 en_US
ISSN 2158-2440
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SSCI Scopus
國別 USA
出版型式 ,電子版

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SDGS 良好健康和福祉,優質教育,負責任的消費與生產