The Impact of Cooperative Learning Method on the Oral Proficiency of Learners of the Training Program for English Tourist Guides
學年 110
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2022-06-16
作品名稱 The Impact of Cooperative Learning Method on the Oral Proficiency of Learners of the Training Program for English Tourist Guides
著者 Yao Hong; Ling-Ge Chen; Jian-Hao Huang; Yi-Ying Tsai; Te-Yi Chang
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Frontiers in Psychology 13
摘要 Oral proficiency is the core element of training courses for English tourist guides. This ability needs to be addressed in training program for English tourist guides. Cooperative learning method is widely used by educators as a teaching method, but rarely used to improve oral proficiency. A quasi-experimental design involving 60 participants was conducted to investigate and examine the effectiveness of cooperative learning method on the oral proficiency of learners in the English tourist guide training program. There were 30 learners in the control group and the experimental group, respectively. The experimental group adopted cooperative learning method, while the control group adopted traditional approach, in both of which pre-test and post-test were conducted. The results of the study showed that the impact of teaching with the cooperative learning method on the oral proficiency of learners of the training program for English tourist guides was higher than that of teaching with the traditional approach. The importance of the cooperative learning method in the training program for English tourist guides is highlighted as a reference for educational institutions.
關鍵字 cooperative learning method;oral proficiency;quasi-experimental design;English tourist guides;vocational education and training
語言 en
ISSN 1664-1078
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SSCI
國別 GBR
出版型式 ,電子版