學年 89
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2001-02-28
作品名稱 《文學雜誌》與臺灣現代詩史
作品名稱(其他語言) Literary Review and History of Modem Taiwan Poetry
著者 楊宗翰
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 臺灣文學學報 2,頁157-178
摘要 台灣現代詩史的撰寫工作刻不容緩,可惜本地學界迄今仍未繳出較理想的成果。其中還有一個值得批判的現象,那就是「詩刊」、「詩社」幾乎收攬了所有治詩史者的目光,讓後者忽略了其他媒體與文學社群在推展詩潮詩運乃至詩藝上的貢獻。因此本文特意選擇以《文學雜誌》(1956-1960)此一非詩社/詩刊性質的媒體/文學社群爲研究對象,透過對其上發表之詩文與發展之歷程的檢視,意圖修補台灣現代詩史中此一明顯疏漏。文末並舉葉石濤《台灣文學史綱》等史著為例,對其「再現《文學雜誌》」時顯現之不足與謬誤提出了初步的批判檢討。 A new history of Modern Taiwan Poetry is urgently in demand; however, the yielded result from literary circle here in Taiwan is far from satisfaction. Among the insufficiencies, we at least could point out one salient phenomenon deserving close analysis and critique; that is, the voices of the poetry coterie and their poetry periodicals almost without exception monopolize the perspective of writing of history of modern poetry. Such situation will unfortunately ignore the heteroglossiac views and contributions from outputs from other literary groups in the development of modern poetry. This paper, therefore, will choose Literary Review (文學雜誌,1956-1960), a non-poetry periodical and non-poetry group literary magazine, as the object for study, trying to show and supplement the incompletion of the prevalent ”histories” through close reading and analysis of the poems and critical articles on poetry published there. At the end of this paper, a reading of such ”histories” as Yeh Shih-t'ao's 葉石濤 Outline of Taiwan Literature (台灣文學史網) will be used to illustrate the inadequacies in their re/presentation of Literary Review.
關鍵字 文學雜誌;自由中國;台灣文學史;台灣現代詩史;餘光中;覃子豪;夏濟安;梁文星;周弃子;Wen-hsueh tsa-chih (Literary Review);Tzu-yu Chung-kuo (Free China [bi-weekly]);history of Taiwan literature;history of modern Taiwan poetry;Yu Kuang-chung;Ch'in Tzu-hao;Hsia Tsi-an;Liang Wen-hsing;Cho
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1608-1692
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/104436 )