台灣西班牙語教學之西語語音習得與學習 (II)
學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2012-08-01
作品名稱 台灣西班牙語教學之西語語音習得與學習 (II)
作品名稱(其他語言) Acquisition and Learning of the Phonic Element of Spanish as a Second Language/Foreign Language in Taiwan (Phase 2)
著者 白士清
單位 淡江大學西班牙語文學系
描述 This local project, that is submitted for NSC Research Grant Proposal consideration, is a part of a larger international collaborative project titled Acquisition and Learning of the Phonic Element of Spanish as a Second Language / Foreign Language, led by teachers from University of Alcalá (Madrid, Spain) and in which they participate scholars from United States, Germany, Holland, Greece, Hong Kong and Taiwan. As a member of the team of foreign universities teachers involved in this project, my work will consist of contributing to the different tasks that have to be carried out in Taiwan and Spain in some specific phases of the main project, whose content is summarized in the following paragraphs. Second language acquisition inevitably begins with Phonetics, an important linguistic field not exempt from controversy. Nowadays, both the relevance of teaching pronunciation to foreign language acquisition and the convenience of adequate, correct and clear pronunciation are well acknowledged. All participants involved in the process of teaching and learning (students, teachers, lesson planers, authors of supporting didactic material…) are aware of this situation, as it has been presented in numerous publications. However, the analysis of currently used Spanish manuals or academic programs reveals that pronunciation is either a secondary or an almost absent topic. Such a contradiction is due to different causes. On the one hand, it should be mentioned that present-day methodological approaches, especially the widely-used Communicative Approach, do not give the same importance to phonetic and phonological contents than to other types of contents. In fact, the amount of attention paid to Phonetics and Phonology is often limited to the period students need for effective communication (D. Poch, 2004). That is to say, students lose interest in pronunciation when it stops interfering in the comprehension of statements. Nonetheless, several investigations have demonstrated that systematic pronunciation teaching is beneficial for language acquisition because it not only facilitates the comprehension of statements, but also reduces student anxiety reactions in oral communication (Elliot, 1997). On the other hand, it is widely believed that imitation is enough to learn the phonetic characteristics of a language, and this also contributes to play down pronunciation teaching. Another reason to explain why phonetic and phonological studies are dropped out is that teachers usually lack specific training in this area. Although the teachers of Spanish language have generally attended to compulsory lectures on Spanish Phonetics and Phonology, they have not received practical lessons that could be applied to education. Whereas in the case of grammatical, lexical, functional or cultural contents, the teacher progressively enriches himself by educational experience, this does not happen with phonetic and phonological contents since the nature of the discipline and the lack of self-learning tools prevent it. Moreover, university programs designed for the future teachers of Spanish spend little or no time working with and about pronunciation. It is evident that there are less investigations and specialists devoted to this linguistic branch than in other areas of Spanish teaching as a foreign language. In most cases, the fundamental problem is simply the absence of material to acquire a sound formation in Phonetics; to provide a practical education for applied purposes; to carry out research work; or to serve as guidance for the authors of didactic materials. Consequently, the main objective of the project is to offer the necessary material, tools and instruments to facilitate the development of studies on Spanish language acquisition and learning. At the same time, this project aims to benefit teachers and authors of didactic materials by collecting information, data and examples of topics that could be taught in the classroom according to group characteristics. In addition, it will give them the opportunity of practical and useful self-formation in the field, as it will involve personal experience with phonetic analysis. Finally, the project also intends to advise and guide those experts responsible for the elaboration of academic programs and official curricula. 計畫編號:NSC101-2410-H032-064
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 本計畫案係屬國際大型合作研究案「西班牙語第二語言/外語教學中之語音成分習得 與學習」的一部分,此國際合作案由西班牙阿爾卡拉大學教授群主持,另有來自美、德、 荷、希臘、港、台的學者參與。本人負責在台灣和西班牙等地執行主計畫內各階段之任 務,內容如下: 語音在初階外語學習極為重要,但檢視現今常用西語教材或教學計畫,卻目睹發音 教學常被忽略或僅被擺在次等的教學位置,其肇因為:主流的溝通式教學法過於側重其他 語言層面教學而忽略系統式語音教學在外語習得的功效;部分人士主張語音學習只要經過 模仿即可,導致發音教學被排擠在教學重心外;教師對於發音教學專業訓練不足;語音的 自我養成有極高的難度;語音相關議題的研究和專家不足。再再反映語音方面教材與題材 的嚴重欠缺。 本專題計畫研究案的主要目標為:提供此類研究所需的語言材料和相關工具以利西 語語音習得與學習研究進行;提供教材編者或教師重要訊息、數據或實例,使之在面對某 特定語言背景學生時能掌握課室中所需的特別訓練;提供教育人員自我養成機會,透過語 音/音韻分析經驗深入了解此領域;提供學術機構負責人在擬定教學計畫或課綱時重要參 考依據;開闢相關研究路線,從不同方向(對比分析,語音缺陷造成之社會衝擊,社會語 言變異的影響……)來探討在外語教學領域中之西語語音研究。 This local project, that is submitted for NSC Research Grant Proposal consideration, is a part of a larger international collaborative project titled Acquisition and Learning of the Phonic Element of Spanish as a Second Language / Foreign Language, led by teachers from University of Alcalá (Madrid, Spain) and in which they participate scholars from United States, Germany, Holland, Greece, Hong Kong and Taiwan. As a member of the team of foreign universities teachers involved in this project, my work will consist of contributing to the different tasks that have to be carried out in Taiwan and Spain in some specific phases of the main project, whose content is summarized in the following paragraphs. Second language acquisition inevitably begins with Phonetics, an important linguistic field not exempt from controversy. Nowadays, both the relevance of teaching pronunciation to foreign language acquisition and the convenience of adequate, correct and clear pronunciation are well acknowledged. All participants involved in the process of teaching and learning (students, teachers, lesson planers, authors of supporting didactic material…) are aware of this situation, as it has been presented in numerous publications. However, the analysis of currently used Spanish manuals or academic programs reveals that pronunciation is either a secondary or an almost absent topic. Such a contradiction is due to different causes. On the one hand, it should be mentioned that present-day methodological approaches, especially the widely-used Communicative Approach, do not give the same importance to phonetic and phonological contents than to other types of contents. In fact, the amount of attention paid to Phonetics and Phonology is often limited to the period students need for effective communication (D. Poch, 2004). That is to say, students lose interest in pronunciation when it stops interfering in the comprehension of statements. Nonetheless, several investigations have demonstrated that systematic pronunciation teaching is beneficial for language acquisition because it not only facilitates the comprehension of statements, but also reduces student anxiety reactions in oral communication (Elliot, 1997). On the other hand, it is widely believed that imitation is enough to learn the phonetic characteristics of a language, and this also contributes to play down pronunciation teaching. Another reason to explain why phonetic and phonological studies are dropped out is that teachers usually lack specific training in this area. Although the teachers of Spanish language have generally attended to compulsory lectures on Spanish Phonetics and Phonology, they have not received practical lessons that could be applied to education. Whereas in the case of grammatical, lexical, functional or cultural contents, the teacher progressively enriches himself by educational experience, this does not happen with phonetic and phonological contents since the nature of the discipline and the lack of self-learning tools prevent it. Moreover, university programs designed for the future teachers of Spanish spend little or no time working with and about pronunciation. It is evident that there are less investigations and specialists devoted to this linguistic branch than in other areas of Spanish teaching as a foreign language. In most cases, the fundamental problem is simply the absence of material to acquire a sound formation in Phonetics; to provide a practical education for applied purposes; to carry out research work; or to serve as guidance for the authors of didactic materials. Consequently, the main objective of the project is to offer the necessary material, tools and instruments to facilitate the development of studies on Spanish language acquisition and learning. At the same time, this project aims to benefit teachers and authors of didactic materials by collecting information, data and examples of topics that could be taught in the classroom according to group characteristics. In addition, it will give them the opportunity of practical and useful self-formation in the field, as it will involve personal experience with phonetic analysis. Finally, the project also intends to advise and guide those experts responsible for the elaboration of academic programs and official curricula.
關鍵字 第二語言習得; 西語外語教學; 發音; 語音; 音韻; Second language acquisition; Spanish teaching as a foreign language; Pronunciation; Phonetics; Phonology
語言 zh_TW

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