學年 102
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2014-06-01
作品名稱 「花一點時間去認識部落」:初探碧候部落文化與社區關係
作品名稱(其他語言) A preliminary study on Piexau’s tribal culture and community relationship
著者 謝顥音; 包正豪
單位 淡江大學英美語言文化學系; 淡江大學全球政治經濟學系
出版者 花蓮縣:東華大學原住民族學院
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 台灣原住民族研究季刊 7(2),頁41-72
摘要 身為台灣的原住民族,世代定居於台灣,其原本具有時間空間等意涵的部落共同體,卻因數百年來經歷不同政權的治理而解裂。原住民部落的發展進程因而相較於一般社區呈現緩慢且落後的現象。在推動部落/社區總體發展時,對部落需有客觀清楚的了解,方可進行規劃。而第一步,便是需要「花一段時間去認識部落」;因此,本研究作為部落/社區發展的背景初探,意將主要焦點置於探究南澳鄉泰雅族碧候村的社區與居民現況,期能替未來社區發展建構認識與規劃的基礎。 本研究之研究方法為民族誌,亦即以田野調查來記錄人類生活或方向,並以參與觀察方法,對特定文化及社會蒐集製作資料、紀錄、評價,進而解釋觀察結果。資料的蒐集包括了訪談,影像記錄,觀察筆記等。研究分析主要由六人次的正式訪談紀錄為主體,以主題分析法進行資料分析,並整合出碧候部落文化與社區組織的關係;之後運用田野調查筆記,影像,以及非正式訪談紀錄等等作為補充性資料,來強化已分析出之主題內容。
 本研究之分析結果主要有兩個主題:一是部落文化。這個主題呈現經由碧候當地人所描繪出的真實碧候,因此包含了碧候部落的歷史地理背景,碧候部落生活印象與生活中的文化傳承。二則是社區關係。本研究雖意欲討論碧候部落中社區與居民現況,但經資料分析後發現宗教對於社區關係實有不小影響,因此在第二個主題中將分兩部分來探討:其一是宗教活動與傳統文化的衝突,其二則是宗教信仰與社區組織的關係。 作為初探性研究,本研究最主要的發現,乃是宗教在碧候部落對於部落文化以及社區組織所造成的重大影響。真耶穌教會與其他基督信仰的教會在宣教方式、教義、組織上的差異,以及渠等對於原住民傳統文化及主流社會價值文化衝突時的態度取向,造成「雙元」部落/社區的情形發生。而以碧候社區如此特殊的部落特性而言,要使部落內的兩教派共同參與社區活動,則必須深入兩教派與居民互動,以發現與了解兩教派內所各自關心或認同的活動,尋求共同點,並且鼓勵社區內各個組織間的合作。本研究因而建議未來從事原住民部落/社區發展相關研究必須要重視,且應該要納入考慮與討論的變數是部落/社區內的宗教信仰分布。 In recent years, indigenous issues have started to gain attention from society. As a minority group in Taiwan, indigenous people should have the right and the opportunity to keep their own tribal organizations to represent their traditional culture. However, having gone through different political ruling stages, the traditional system in the community/tribe has disappeared. The development of the tribal community is rather slow and outdated. Therefore, it is important to deeply understand the tribal culture before starting to plan community development of tribal villages. And so, the research team decided to spend more time to get to know the community and the tribal culture. This study aims to understand the current situation of the tribal community and the residents’ lives. Hence an ethnographic method was used to record the lives of the Piexau tribal community. Data was collected through participant observations, field notes, individual interviews, images, and logs. Interview data with other data was transcribed and categorized following procedures of Grounded Theory to create themes. There are two major themes in this study: One is the tribal culture, which represents “true Piexau” from eyes of Piexau village’s local residents. Their tribal culture can be presented in three parts: the historical and geographic background of the Piexau, the daily lives of local people, and their cultural traditions. The second theme is the community relationship, which was found directly connected with religious beliefs. Thus two parts are included in the second theme: the conflicts between religious activities and traditional culture, and the relationship between religious belief and community organization. As a preliminary study, the major finding of this study focuses on the significant role that religion plays in Piexau tribal village. The True Jesus Church has different ways of interpreting doctrines, and the attitude towards indigenous traditions is also very different from other Christian Churches. The conflicts in between churches resulted in a dual community where two sides of people refused to participate in the same activity. In order to work on community development in a unique community/tribe like the Piexau, it is important for the researchers to interact with people from both sides and to thoroughly understand the “religious cultures” and the common needs of the community.
關鍵字 泰雅族;社區關係;原住民傳統文化;基督教會;Atayal;Indigenous culture;Community;Christian church
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 2070-9730
期刊性質 國內
通訊作者 包正豪
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/99536 )
