學年 102
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2013-11-01
作品名稱 救災系統自我組織過程之探討-以慈濟功德會為例
作品名稱(其他語言) Exploring Self-OrganizingProcesses of the Disaster ReliefSystem: Implications from Tzu Chi's Experiences
著者 韓釗
單位 淡江大學公共行政學系
出版者 新北市:中國地方自治編輯委員會
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 中國地方自治 66(11),頁23-48
摘要 近年來,世界各地各種災難造成重大損失的事件頻傳,顯示出各層級政府所領導的救災系統亟須再造。為回應學者藉合併層級體系與協力網絡以重組救災系統的呼籲,本研究乃試圖從複雜理論觀點探討慈濟功德會所採行的層級式網絡之本質。 複雜理論主張,在高度不確定而複雜的環境中,複雜調適系統會透過自我組織持續進化。在自我組織的過程中,導致更強調適能力與更佳績效的新秩序則會逐漸形成。本研究經由分析不同自我組織模式對慈濟救災系統所產生的影響,提出以下兩項值得參考研究發現: 首先,慈濟救災系統的組織結構成功整合了層級與網絡兩種形式的組織結構,使垂直與水平兩種方向的協力運作得以有效強化。其次,慈濟的救災系統同時包括耗散型與守恒型兩種自我組織模式,因而能夠針對不同類型的災難依據運作需求進行調適。慈濟的救災系統模型不僅可提供如何有效運作層級式網絡的經驗架構,並有助於闡明應用自我組織概念於災難管理領域中的價值。 The various disasters that have brought catastrophic damage in recent yesrs indicate that the disaster relief system directed by government at all levels may need to be reinvented. Responding to the call to restructure the disaster relief system by merging hierarchy and collaborative networks, this research aims at exploring the nature of the hierarchical network employed by Tzu ChiFoundation from a complexity theoryperspective.Complexity theory argues that complex adaptive systems continuously evolve in a highly uncertain and complex environment by means of self-organization. The process of self-organization tends to result in the creation of new order leading to stronger adaptive capability and better performance. By analyzing the effects of different patterns of self-organization on the performance of disaster relief system of Tzu Chi, the following two research findings may worth to be highlighted:First, the structure of the disaster reliefsystem of Tzu Chi has successfully integrated hierarchy and networks that is capable of improving both vertical and horizontal collaboration. Second, Tzu Chi has included both conservative and dissipative self-organization in its disaster relief system to better adapt to the demands of different types of disasters. The disaster relief system model of Tsu Chi may not only provide an empirical framework for effectively operating the hierarchical network but also shed light on the value of applying the concept of self-organization in the field of disaster management.
關鍵字 救災系統;自我組織;層級式網絡;複雜理論;Disaster relief system;Self-organization;Hierarchical network;Complexity theory
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 0529-6498
期刊性質 國內
通訊作者 韓釗
出版型式 紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/98044 )
