學年 102
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2013-10-01
作品名稱 師培地球村-以國際教育志工服務方案培養教師的國際化意識
作品名稱(其他語言) Preparing Teachers with Internationalization Consciousness via a Program of Educational Voluntary Service in Sri Lanka
著者 陳麗華; 葉韋伶; 吳雯婷; 蔡駿奕; 彭增龍
單位 淡江大學課程與教學研究所
出版者 臺北市:中華民國課程與教學學會
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 課程與教學=Curriculum & Instruction Quarterly 16(4),頁 149-182
摘要 因應全球化社會的來臨,培育具備全球觀與國際移動能力的新世代公民,乃關鍵任務,然培養具備國際化意識的現職及未來師資是其先決條件。職此,本研究規劃「師培地球村」課程方案,引領臺灣的志工教師至斯里蘭卡從事國際教育志工服務,並採取協同行動研究與世界咖啡館的資料蒐集技術,探討臺灣志工教師在參與「師培地球」課程方案後,其國際化意識的變化情形。資料分析結果顯示,臺灣志工教師到斯里蘭卡從事國際教育志工服務後,在國家認同、國際素養、全球競合力、全球責任感等方面都有積極正向的改變。他們同時覺察到斯里蘭卡學生學習態度專注熱情、創意表現佳、國際化意識亦已萌芽。此外,臺灣志工教師多能鑑賞「師培地球村」課程方案的永續經營特性,並能提出永續發展的具體作法。研究資料分析中亦發現若干潛在課程,例如:部份學生不珍惜教材物資;過度示範教學且創意引導不足,以及斯里蘭卡教師主導性較強等等因素,多少影響學生的創意表現。\r本研究最後提出七項慎思,包括親身實地服務、志工招募、募集經費、溝通窗口、永續經營、資源投入、回饋機制等方面,希望對有意願從事這類跨國國際教育志工服務的規劃者有所啟示。 It is important to prepare the younger generation with an awareness of being a global citizen with international moving ability. In viewing this, preparing pre-service and in-service teachers with international consciousness is the first step. This study implemented a program called “Preparing Teachers within a Global Village” which involved a group of pre- and in-service teachers with educational voluntary service in Sir Lanka. Via collaborative action research and the strategy of World Café, the qualitative data of the program were further analyzed. The results are discussed based on the four facets of internationalization consciousness of voluntary teachers. First, teachers got more aware about the national identity, international literacy, global cooperation and competition, and global responsibility. They also learned that Sri Lankan students’ international consciousness was aroused as well. Furthermore, most teachers recognized and appreciated the sustainability of the program and indicated that would apply some more concrete strategies for the program possible in the future.Based on the successful practice and a few hidden curricula in the implementation, some suggestions are thoughtful presented about the volunteer recruitment, the fund raising, the mutural communication, the sustainable management, the resource input, the feedback mechanism, etc. Hopefully, these could be helpful for parties interested in future international voluntary service.
關鍵字 國際教育志工;協同行動研究;公民行動取向課程設計模式;國際化意識;International educational volunteers;Collaborative action research;Civic action approach;Internationalization consciousness
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1560-1277
期刊性質 國內
通訊作者 陳麗華
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/96650 )
