高解析度低成本之環場視效系統設計 Design of the High-Fidelity Low-Cost Surrounding Views System
學年 89
學期 2
發表日期 2001-05-29
作品名稱 高解析度低成本之環場視效系統設計 Design of the High-Fidelity Low-Cost Surrounding Views System
著者 黃俊堯; 汪洋; 白華勝
作品所屬單位 淡江大學資訊工程學系
會議名稱 第三屆海峽兩岸航空太空學術研討會
會議地點 臺北縣, 臺灣
摘要 本篇論文是在介紹 淡江大學 資工系虛擬實境實驗室所研發的環場螢幕同步技術,藉由此同步技術我們可以輕易地在個人電腦群組環境建構一個環場視效空間。傳統的環場視效空間是靠高等級的多處理器伺服器系統來達到顯示畫面同步計算與視效同步的功能,但是隨著電腦科技的進步,今日的個人電腦所擁有的計算速度已超過昔日工作站等級的電腦,而分散式計算是今日電腦技術研發趨勢,因此,本論文將介紹如何在多台個人電腦所構成的電腦群組環境藉由分散平行運算技術及環場螢幕同步技術來建構一個高解析度低成本的視效空間,本論文最後將介紹本實驗室利用此技術所設計實作的三個螢幕同步的環場視效駕駛艙。本篇論文的貢獻在於提出高解析度低成本的環場螢幕同步技術,而此技術的優點包括:(1)低成本,可在多台個人電腦所構成的電腦群組環境建構環場視效空間。(2)良好的擬真效果,藉由分散平行計算技術來達到高速複雜計算的需求。(3)具模組化與規格化的系統架構,可以擴充至16個以上的電腦螢幕同步。 This paper introduces a high-fidelity low-cost surrounding viewssystem that is designed and implemented on the Multimedia and VirtualReality laboratory, Department of CS & IE, Tamkang University. Withthe help of the synchronization technique presented in this paper, asurrounding views system is designed and implemented on a cluster ofdesktop computers. Traditionally, a high performance multipleprocessors workstation is often used to compute the frames and tosynchronize the displays of the surrounding views system. However,accompany with the evolution of the computer technology, the desktopcomputer is gaining more computing power, which often overwhelm thecapability of the legacy workstation, in the recent years.Furthermore, the study of the distributed system is the trend of therecent computing technology. Hence, this paper presents asynchronization mechanism and an infrastructure to build a surroundingviews system based upon a cluster of desktop computers. In addition, the presented synchronization mechanism was actually used to implementa surrounding views system for the mockup of the mobile cranesimulator. The contribution of this paper is to propose asynchronization mechanism to build a high-fidelity and low-costsurrounding views system. The proposed technique has the advantages oflow cost, realistic visualization effect, and modularity. The low costis referring to the ability of implement such a system on a cluster ofdesktop computers. Meanwhile, a distributed computing technique isadopted to parallelize the rendering pipeline to achieve realisticsimulation effect on a cluster of desktop computers. Finally, theproposed synchronization mechanism can be modularly expanded up to 16displayed views.
關鍵字 環場視效系統;高解析度;平行繪圖;物件;同步機制;虛擬實境;Surrounding Views System;High Fidelity;Parallel Rendering;Primitive;Synchronization Mechanism;Virtual Reality
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 兩岸
校內研討會地點 淡水校園
研討會時間 20010529~20010530
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 紙本
出處 第三屆海峽兩岸航空太空學術研討會論文集,頁395-404

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/95859 )
