學年 99
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2010-09-01
作品名稱 發展經濟學思潮與法制變遷-以台灣公營事業相關法制之變革為例
著者 張英磊
單位 淡江大學公共行政學系
出版者 臺灣財產法暨經濟法研究協會
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 財產法暨經濟法 23, pp.1-54
摘要 二次戰後發展經濟學的發展,帶動了以革新第三世界國家 之法制為目的之「法與發展」學門的興起。此一學門之論述, 隨著發展經濟學不同時期之主流理論而變遷,影響世界銀行等 國際組織有關援助第三世界國家活動的實務運作。本文嘗試整 理不同時期發展經濟學之理念,與相應之法制理念之變遷。 我國雖非直接受國際組織援助與指導之國家,然而由於我 國之財經政策相當受到國際(尤其是美國)的影響,經濟學界 亦以美國為主要之知識來源,因而在財經相關領域之論述,可 以看到相應於國際主流論述之發展結構。本文嘗試以公營事業 在我國財經法制領域中功能角色之變遷為例,說明此一變遷之 趨勢。本文認為法學界有必要了解其他學門如何理解與運用法 律,而法律學又如何在此過程中發展,並展現法律體系的主體 價值,才能真正理解法律在社會中扮演之角色與意義。 The emergence of development economics after World War II has lead to the rise of the discipline of Law and Development in legal studies This discipline is aimed at facilitating legal reform in the Third World in order to promote economic and social development. The discourse of Law and Development inf1uenced the Third World economic aid and lending practices of international organizations, such as the World Bank and IMF. This article attempts to summarize the key ideas of development economics and the evolution of legal concepts which reflect the influence of development economics. Taiwan has not received direct assistance or guidance from international organizations during the history of its economic development. However, Taiwan's economic development policies and its legal system for economic development have been heavily inf1uenced by international pressure, especially from the United States. The majority of Taiwan's economists were trained in America and rely on American economic theory as their frame of reference. Therefore, we can observe a disciplines evaluate and utilize law in their professional discourses and how legal systems can develop and assert the value of rule of law within the process of development.
關鍵字 發展經濟學 發展經濟 學;法與發展; 結構學派; 新自由主義; 公營事業; 民營化; Development Economics; Law and Development; Structuralism; Neo-Liberalism; State-owned Enterprise ; Privatization
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1816-4641
期刊性質 國內
通訊作者 ylch3014@gmail.com
國別 TWN
出版型式 紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/92611 )
