學年 88
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2000-03-01
作品名稱 臺灣省高職實用技能班教育政策執行評估指標體系建構與應用
作品名稱(其他語言) The Construction and Application of Educational Policy Implementation Evaluation Indicators System in the Practical Skill Class of Taiwan Provincial Senior Vocational Schools
著者 吳政達; Wu, Cheng-ta
單位 淡江大學教育政策與領導研究所
出版者 暨南國際大學
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 暨大學報4(1),頁43-68
摘要 本文旨在建立台灣省高職執行實用技能班教育政策之評估指標體系,以及瞭解各受評學校在該政策的執行成效。其中有關指標體系建構部分採取模糊理論(fuzzy theory)以整合專家意見,並透過層級分析法(AHP)以求取各指標間的相對權重。並以此評估指標體系實際將各受評學校在各指標的表現以集群分析法 (cluster analysis)加以分類,其結果共可區分為表現優異學校36所、表現中等學校 32所以及表現較差的學校9所,合計77所。最後,透過區別分析(discriminant analysis) 以檢驗分類(classification)之正確性,並加以建立區別函數(discriminant functions)作為未來政策執行評估之用。This paper hopes to shed some light on what Shakespeare is doing in and through hissonnets from the perspective of gender and generic ambiguities. Besides the various ways inwhich the generic references are appropriated so as to comment on the sonnet convention, themost subversive approach undertaken by Shakespeare is his gender representation of theyoung man. The rendition of the beloved as male is a radical twist of the sonnet convention,and the effect is twofold: on the one hand, the erotic function conventionally played by thelady in the love sonnet is here taken by a man; on the other hand, the gender roles and powerrelations between the lover and the beloved become highly complicated. This indeterminacyof gender identity is also demonstrated by the complicated, shifting relationship between thespeaker and the young man in many different ways. When the poet comes closer to theconvention of sonneteering as he turns to direct his addresses to a lady, the conflict is evensharper. The problems of gender and genre in the sonnets are mutually implicating anddestabilizing, and as such they can be regarded as Shakespeare's point of intervention in sonnetwriting. To parody the Petrarchan, courtly sonnet and the poetry of praise, Shakespeareappropriates the gender and generic expectations conventionally associated with the two formsand manipulates them in such a way that they are at once destroyed and transcended.
關鍵字 政策執行; 政策評估; 實用技能班; Policy implementation; Policy evaluation; Practice skill class
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/26533 )
