學年 97
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2009-01-01
作品名稱 從優選理論探討客語名詞子句結構
作品名稱(其他語言) Hakka Noun Phrase---An Optimality Theoretic Approach
著者 曾郁景
單位 淡江大學英文學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC98-2410-H032-003 研究期間:200901~200912 研究經費:446,000
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 現今台灣相當重視本土文化,而本土文化資產很重要的一環即是本土語言的保存與推行。語言學界長期以來針對句法的研究一直是以國語、閩南語、或者原住民語為主,客家語法則相對地少有卓越且完整的研究成果發表。因此,本研究計畫將成為本人致力於客家語法研究的首部曲,以名詞子句作為一系列的開端,由口語言談和書面敘述兩方來源採集語料,並採用近十幾年新興的語言學理論:優選理論 (Optimality Theory) 做為分析語料的基礎架構。本計劃欲以現代語言學理論觀點探討本土語言的結構,期望能帶動客語研究的新風潮,替弱勢的客家語法研究注入新的動力與契機。 本計畫所擬定的研究目的涵蓋兩方面:1) 就語言方面,將仔細探討各種名詞子句的句型,並歸納整理出名詞子句的基本結構;2) 就理論方面,將融合當代語法主流理論之一:詞彙功能語法 (Lexical-Functional Grammar),以及依據此一理論所建立之優選理論 (Optimality Theory) 來探討名詞子句的文法功能和順序結構;進而探討普遍性理論 (Universal Grammar) 如何在中文語法上以階層排列 (constraint ranking)的形式展現。本研究擬觀察口語和文本的語言使用,本人深信其所採集、記錄與整裡之語料對於客語語法研究議題的開發與後續傳承有其珍貴價值。另一方面本研究亦將藉由與主流理論的結合開拓客語語法研究的創新視野,此一嶄新領域非但對客語研究而言,對台灣本土語言同樣是前所未見的重要突破。此外,優選理論在音韻學上已是主流理論,但在句法的研究上仍屬啟蒙階段,且在台灣以優選理論為概念進行之語法研究更是趨近於無。有鑑於此,本研究擬將優選理論應用於客語句法分析,相信不但對台灣,對於整個語言學界均有其重要參考價值。 This research will adopt the Optimality Theory (OT) to extensively explore the construction of noun phrase in Hakka. The purpose of this project is two-fold, which will cover both theoretical and empirical ground. The overall plan will involve 1) collecting original data from two sources: through working with language consultants and eliciting data from folklore narrated by native Hakka speakers; 2) analyzing spoken and written texts to advance a thoughtful syntactic description of Hakka NP; and finally 3) modeling an insightful OT-based structural schema for the NP. In theoretical respect, this project will use OT, a cutting-edge approach founded on the basis of Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG) to provide linguistic explanation for the syntactic phenomena relevant to NP construction. OT is by far the dominant theory in phonology, but somehow very few syntactic studies are conducted within the OT framework. This research is therefore important in that it shows significant implications for the theory of grammar generally. It sets an example to demonstrate that OT can successfully capture the syntactic patterns found with Hakka’s noun phrase. It is not merely a phonological and morphological theory, but it also applies to the syntactic domain. This project will not only contribute to theoretical syntax, but it is also making an empirical contribution to our knowledge of Hakka syntax. Hakka is one of the major languages spoken in Taiwan; however, comparing with other languages such as Mandarin and Taiwanese Southern Min, Hakka syntax has drawn relatively less attention among linguists. This research will document native speakers’ conversation and analyze the written texts recorded by other anthropological linguists. The collection of data will be the basis for my future work that could lead to a full-scale grammar of Hakka. This research is the beginning chapter one of the series of studies on Hakka syntax that I plan to continue in the future. In sum, this research project will incorporate the most current linguistic theoretical framework into the syntactic investigation of Hakka noun phrase, and then going one step further, it will show how the concept of Universal Grammar (UG) can be realized by proposing a set of constraint ranking that is specific to characterize the structure of Hakka NP.
關鍵字 客家語; 語(句)法; 名詞子句; 結構; 優選理論; 普遍性理論; 階層排列; 詞彙功能語法; Hakka; syntax; noun phrase (NP); Optimality Theory (OT); Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG); Universal Grammar (UG); constraint ranking

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/46857 )
