關於現代日語之頻率副詞及其周邊副詞的研究(Ⅰ)---以表低頻率的副詞為中心 | |
學年 | 97 |
學期 | 1 |
出版(發表)日期 | 2009-01-01 |
作品名稱 | 關於現代日語之頻率副詞及其周邊副詞的研究(Ⅰ)---以表低頻率的副詞為中心 |
作品名稱(其他語言) | An Investigation on Modern-Day Japanese Frequency Adverbs and Peripheral Adverbs (I)---Focusing on Low Frequency Adverbs |
著者 | 江雯薰 |
單位 | 淡江大學日本語文學系 |
描述 | 計畫編號:NSC98-2410-H032-067 研究期間:200908~201007 研究經費:308,000 |
委託單位 | 行政院國家科學委員會 |
摘要 | 在現代日語中,副詞的修飾成份大致可分成結果副詞、樣態副詞、程度量的副詞、時間副詞、頻率副詞這五類。其中,頻率副詞是從事態的外側來限定事態發生的次數,而其他副詞是從事態的內側來限定事態的實現方式。 頻率副詞若以頻率性的高低這一點來看的話,依仁田義雄(2002)的分法大致可分成:「いつも」「常に」這一類;表高頻率的「たえず」、「しじゅう」、「しょっちゅう」、「よく」這一類;表中頻率的「しばしば」、「たびたび」、「ちょくちょく」、「ときどき」這一類;表低頻率的「ときたま」、「たまに」、「まれに」這一類。 本計畫以表低頻率的副詞為研究對象。其原因在於這一類副詞的體系較完備,且其可依照有無「に」來分成以下4類。 1. 本身是名詞,其後沒有「に」卻兼具名詞用法和副詞用法,如「ときどき/ ×ときどきに」。 2. 本身是名詞,其後加「に」時,只有副詞用法,如「まれ/まれに」。 3. 本身不是名詞,只有副詞用法但必須加「に」,如「×たま/たまに」。 4. 本身不是名詞,只有副詞用法,如「ときたま」。 本計畫的目的在於探討「ときどき」「まれに」「たまに」「ときたま」這類副詞之特性及文法化傾向,進而得知其在「頻率副詞」上的定位。 In the modern-day Japanese language, modifying adverbs can be roughly grouped into five categories: adverbs of result, adverbs of manner, adverbs of degree, adverbs of time, or adverbs of frequency. Of these five categories, only with the frequency adverb is the rate of recurrence determined from outside the situation, whereas the rest are determined inside the situation. If we examine frequency adverbs by their rate of recurrence using Nita Yosio’s (2002) method, we can separate them into the following groupings: one to which adverbs “itumo” and “tuneni” belong; a high-frequency group that includes “taezu,” “sijyuu,” “syottyuu,”and “yoku”; a medium-frequency group that includes “sibasiba”, “tabitabi”, “tyokutyoku”, “tokidoki”; and a low-frequency group that includes “tokitama”, “tamani”, “mareni”. This research concentrates on low frequency adverbs, due to the relative totality of their structure and the fact that they can be classified into four groups according to the presence or absence of “ni.” 1. Phrases that can function as adverbs or nouns and which do not need a “ni” attached after, like “tokidoki/×tokidokini”; 2. Phrases that are nouns themselves, but only function as an adverb when a “ni” is added after, such as “mare/mareni”; 3. Phrases that are not nouns but only work as adverbs once a “ni”’ is added after, as “×tama/tamani”; 4. Phrases that are not nouns but may only be used as adverbs, like “tokitama”. The aim of our investigation is to look into the characteristics and grammaticalization trends of adverbs such as “tokidoki”, “mareni,” “tamani,” and “tokitama” to better understand their positioning in the “frequency adverb”category. |
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