機車進排氣管路的多目標實驗最佳化設計 | |
學年 | 97 |
學期 | 1 |
出版(發表)日期 | 2009-01-01 |
作品名稱 | 機車進排氣管路的多目標實驗最佳化設計 |
作品名稱(其他語言) | Multiobjective Experimental Design Optimization for Air Intake and Exhaust Pipeline of a Motor Bicycle |
著者 | 史建中 |
單位 | 淡江大學機械與機電工程學系 |
描述 | 計畫編號:NSC98-2221-E032-005 研究期間:200908~201007 研究經費:668,000 |
委託單位 | 行政院國家科學委員會 |
摘要 | 由於台灣的人口密度很高及生活空間有限,使得空間小又兼具良好機動性的機車, 成為一般大眾最常使用的交通工具之一。根據行政院主計處統計,民國九十七年三月份 為止,全國機車登記數為2080 萬輛,密度高居全球第一。因為一般機車在4000rpm 至 5500rpm 的加速階段扭力輸出不佳,使得騎乘時感受的加速力不足,然而正值地球持續 暖化與替代能源不易開發的同時,所以當消費者希望機車有足夠大的加速力,也期望能 有效減少油耗與排放於空氣的汙染物。 本研究針對國內生產排氣量為125c.c 的原型機車進行實例研究,並參考相關文獻、 技術,及業界研發技術的狀況,擬訂本研究計畫施行策略、進行程序及研究方法,以期 達到提升在全域轉速下的引擎扭力輸出,同時降低油耗與碳的排放量。由文獻調查得 知,引擎進氣管路系統的規格對於引擎輸出扭力具有相當影響,排氣管路系統的影響居 次。雖然在汽車類之大型引擎進氣管路已有相當進步的技術,但是機車類的小型引擎進 排氣管路系統的研發與改良正值起步階段,多以試誤法的實驗來改良,缺乏系統化的正 規實驗設計分析及最佳設計的方法與技術研究與應用。又經文獻調查及初步研究得知, 可變容積的進氣管路系統可有效提高與改善引擎輸出扭力。因此,本研究計畫正是以此 為主題,藉由改良原型車引擎的進排氣管路系統,再研發模擬可變容積的進氣管路系 統,以提升引擎輸出性能。本研究計畫主要部分為: 1. 研究與探討機車引擎進、排氣管路系統參數對於引擎性能的影響,以改善原型機車 的性能,提高全域轉速下的扭力,並同時減少油耗與汙染物的排放。 2. 探討並規劃適當的實驗設計,應用於機車引擎進、排氣系統的實驗上。依照實驗配 置進行實驗得到相關引擎性能數值,經實驗分析研究探討進排氣管路系統與引擎性能的 關係。 3. 經實驗設計及實驗分析,發展實用的雙管模式進氣管路以模擬可變容積的進氣系統, 發展多目標最佳化設計方法,可同時(1)最大化全域輸出扭力,(2)最小化油耗,及(3)最 小化一氧化碳和(4)碳氫化合物之排放量,其中特別加強低轉速時的加速力。以求得到進 氣系統最佳的兩支管長度、管徑設計值,管路切換的時間點,及製作管路配置圖。 4. 經實驗設計及分析,發展實用的三管模式進氣系統以模擬可變容積的進氣系統,發展 多目標設計最佳化策略,同時最大化全域輸出扭力,最小化油耗,及最小化一氧化碳和 碳氫化合物之排放。得到進氣系統最佳的三支管長與管徑設計值,及兩個管路切換的時 間點,並製作管路配置圖。 經由設計問題的探討、實驗的設計、分析及多目標最佳化參數設計,改善機車的進、 排氣管路系統,再經驗證與分析,得到性能參數指標,與文獻資訊及原型機車性能進行 比較,提供給業界在進、排氣管路系統上的改善方案,同時也提升我國在機車進、排氣 系統上的技術。 This proposed research plan contains the designs of experiments, experimental execution, analyses of experiment, and multi-objective mechanical design that promotes the overall engine torque characteristics of a small type of 4-stroke engine. To promote the engine torque during the acceleration stage approximately between 4000 to 5500 rpm, an important and effective item to this engine characteristic is the design of intake air pipeline system and exhaust pipe system. Especially in the current age, a common knowledge of saving energy and maintain a healthy and high level environmental quality is extremely significant and urgent to develop an engine pipeline system used by injection fuel system resulted in the high engine torque performance. This proposal studies an original 125cc motor bicycle by the formal technique of experimental design and analysis to obtain output torque, fuel consumption, CO and HC compound of a small engine. The response surface functions of the four performances corresponding to the mechanical factors are investigated. Those mathematical information are utilized for constructing four design objectives so that the optimum parameters of intake pipeline can be founded. Several proposed design cases is going to investigate the weighting criterion in the engineering optimization. Three primary stages are expecting to perform. First of all, it is going to study and redesign the intake and exhaust air pipeline for a realistic model motor bicycle. The primary investigation covers the design of experiment, performing experiments and the experimental analysis. In the design stage it covers the response surface based multi-objective design optimization with several design cases study. The second important phase is to simulate the variable volume pipeline by a two-pipe model with a switch valve of changing pipeline operation. The design variables are two pipe diameters, two pipe lengths and the optimum speed of valve opening. This two-pipe model is predicted to have a torque-drop phenomenon during opening of switch valve. Therefore, a three-pipe model is proposed for the further research. In such case, eight design variables including three diameters, three lengths and two speeds of opening valves to maximize the engine torque, minimize the fuel consumption, and minimize pollutions, simultaneously. Such a four-objective experimental design optimization requires a further research and development to achieve the both of optimal design variables and optimal performances of the motor bicycle. |
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相關連結 |
機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/47065 ) |