
學年 110
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2022-01-09
作品名稱 從供給與需求限制策略比較稀少性訊息效果:從神經心理學分析
作品名稱(其他語言) A Comparison of Different Types of Signals of Scarcity Due to Supply and Demand: a Neuropsychological Investigation
著者 吳雅鈴
摘要 Scarcity appeals is a common and important tactic in current marketing practices. In the past, researches on scarcity appeals focused on the discussion of high-priced products. However, if scarcity messages are used in the hunger marketing activities, the comparative effects between supply (Limited) or the scarcity due to demand (Sold out) to increase the perceived value and purchase intention of consumer. The correct selection from different types of scarcity strategies to be applied to different contexts are issues that scholars have rarely explored. This shows that scarce products do not necessarily lead to high prices or assumed expensiveness. There must also be other mediators who perceive other value to influence consumer behavior. Moreover, scarcity appeals in advertising enhance value perception, which in turn impacts purchase intentions. The laboratory experiment is based on different types of scarcity signals and different product types between-subjects factorial design to test the hypotheses and research questions. This study mainly adopts customer value perspective to re-conceptualize the S-E-D model (Scarcity-Assumed Expensiveness-Desirability Model) into the S-V-D model (Scarcity-Value-Desirability Model), and explores the impacts of hunger marketing's strategies on online consumer purchasing decisions. First, we use event-related potentials (ERP) of NeuroIS to measure neurophysiological state of consumer risk after browsing product scarcity information. Through laboratory study, we further investigate the impact of scarcity appeals (scarcity due to supply/ scarcity due to demand) and product types (convenience product/specialty product) on customer value and consumer behavior. By understanding scarcity appeal design and neurocognitive mechanisms, the insights from the findings can benefit designers and marketers in implementing more effective marketing strategies.
關鍵字 Scarcity Appeals;Hunger Marketing;ERP;Risk;Frontal Asymmetry
語言 en_US

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/122028 )