
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
074 / 1 Where ls "L" in Classical Chinese Poetry ? An Experimental Interpretation 2011-06-09
071 / 1 2.A Brief Introduction to the Peking Opera 2011-06-09
069 / 1 1.Is there tradegy in Chinese drama ?:An experimental look at an old problem 2011-06-09
077 / 1 翻譯詩行長短之試探 2011-06-09
073 / 1 談日長夜深中的特殊面具功能 2011-06-09
069 / 1 2.Pun Translation for the stage 2011-06-09
076 / 1 阿迪麗亞及竇娥之死–道德意義或劇場藝術 2011-06-09
080 / 1 A Further look at the Character--Types of the Traditional Chinese Theatreand Drama 2011-06-09
072 / 1 Translating the Dialogue of Peking Opera for the Stage:Some Linguistic Aspects 2011-06-09
082 / 1 「櫻桃園 」 遊園散記 2011-06-09
081 / 1 對「無我」/「忘我」的幾點疑問 2011-06-09
072 / 1 1.評舞台劇「遊園驚夢」-不只長錯一根骨頭 2011-06-09
071 / 1 1.A Note on Characters' Self-Deseriptions in the Traditional Chinese Drama 2011-06-09
077 / 1 六個找劇評家的舞台劇作家 2011-06-09
078 / 1 「羅密歐與茱麗葉」中的喜劇藝術 2011-06-09
073 / 1 1.「竇娥冤」的冤與願 2011-06-09
068 / 1 姚一葦戲劇中的語言,思想與結構 2011-06-09
079 / 1 《玻璃動物園》:劇本/舞台/電影 2011-06-09
079 / 1 羅蜜歐與茱麗葉的喜劇藝術 2011-06-09
073 / 1 2.Pekin Opera: Simplicity out of Necessity 2011-06-09
075 / 1 1.Problems and Possibilities in Translating Proverbs and Allusion 2011-06-09
072 / 1 2.Translating the Dialogue of Peking Opera for the Stage: Some Linguistic Aspects 2011-06-09
078 / 1 「淺談台灣舞台劇的縱橫」 2011-06-09
075 / 1 2.關於元雜劇的幾個疑問 2011-06-09
076 / 1 The deaths of Tou O and Cordelia : Morality and Theatricality 2011-06-09
078 / 1 淺談台灣舞台劇的縱與橫. 2011-06-09