
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
096 / 2 Characterizing the Online Search Patterns of the Most Valuable Customers for an E-Commerce Site: A Quantile Regression Approach 2011-10-23
093 / 1 Constructing Web Brand Attributes: Definition, Dimensionality and Conceptual Framework 2014-12-11
095 / 2 Modeling Concentration Degree on the Most Valuable Customers for E-Commerce Sites 2011-10-23
094 / 2 The Impact of Brand Awareness and Consumer’s Traits on the Evaluation of Country-of-Original Effects 2011-10-23
097 / 2 The Role of Product Aesthetic Attributes in Consumer Purchase Decision: Buyer-Choice Simulators 2011-10-23
096 / 2 全球品牌品牌識別在地化策略之初探性研究—品牌聯想的觀點與命題建構 2013-07-03
097 / 1 產品美學屬性對消費者購買意願之影響—以男性香水為例 2011-10-23
097 / 1 體驗行銷中性別因素對顧客體驗價值認知影響之研究—以芳香療法SPA產業為例 2011-10-23
099 / 2 Product Aesthetics is Must or Plus? Trade-off Between Product Aesthetic and Functional Attributes 2014-09-22
100 / 1 社交網站應用程式中產品置入型與品牌知覺的關聯研究—網路沈浸的中介影響 2014-08-25
100 / 2 Product Aesthetics as the Competitive Strategy: An Approach of Dynamic Conjoint Analysis 2014-08-22
099 / 1 台灣中小企業運用綠色產品建立綠色組織能力之研究—價值鏈分析的觀點 2014-07-16
099 / 1 消費者如何消費文化創意產品:品牌概念、產品故事與消費意義之關聯性探討 2014-07-16
099 / 1 以品牌概念圖重新探討品牌向下延伸決策─消費者品牌聯想與廠商品牌定位之對照 2014-03-27
101 / 1 網友廣告再製對原廣告效果之影響─使用者創作內容的觀點 2013-05-22
102 / 1 The Exploratory Study of Constructing TED-centered Innovation Ecosystem 2013-09-12
102 / 2 The Exploratory Study of Developing Corporate Innovation Strategy through TED-Centered Innovation Ecosystem 2014-04-25
102 / 2 精品業潛在顧客面對服務接觸缺失的自我修復行為研究 2014-06-09
102 / 2 Diagnosing sequential brand extensions through metrics of comparing brand concept maps 2014-09-08
104 / 1 以品牌概念圖衡量指標探討品牌接續延伸之效果 2015-11-30
104 / 2 When and Why the Brand Lover Won’t Love the Brand 2016-09-19
105 / 1 Why Even the Brand Lover Might Switch to Other Brand: A Switch Path Analysis 2016-09-19
105 / 1 廣告訴求關鍵詞語之文字探勘: 以慈善公益群眾募資為例 2016-12-15
105 / 1 品牌社群平台反品牌言論之探究 2016-12-20
105 / 2 Exploring Anti-Brand Idea Flow Spread Across Brand Community Platforms in Social Networks 2017-08-09