
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
093 / 1 Functional Modularity in the Fundamentals of Economic Theory: Toward an Agent-Based Economic Modeling of the Evolution of Technology #尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #產業創新與基礎設施 2017-01-12
096 / 2 Lottery Markets Design, Micro-Structure, and Macro-Behavior: An ACE Approach #和平正義與有力的制度 2017-01-19
093 / 1 Financial Innovation and Divisia Money in Taiwan: Comparative Evidence from Neural Network and Vector Error Correction Forecasting Models 2017-01-11
094 / 2 自動化創新管理:演化計算方法的應用 #產業創新與基礎設施 2011-10-05
100 / 2 Personality and Preference: A Laboratory Study #產業創新與基礎設施 #負責任的消費與生產 2014-08-14
102 / 1 Residential Water Use: Efficiency, Affordability, and Price Elasticity 2021-04-08
103 / 1 Competition in a New Industrial Economy: Toward an Agent-Based Economic Model of Modularity #尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #產業創新與基礎設施 2015-03-19
103 / 1 The Use of Knowledge in Prediction Markets: How Much of Them Need He Know? #和平正義與有力的制度 2015-12-11
102 / 1 Non-Price Competition in a Modular Economy. An Agent-Based Computational Model #產業創新與基礎設施 #永續城市與社區 2016-11-21
105 / 2 Residential Water Demand and Water Waste in Taiwan #可負擔的潔淨能源 #永續城市與社區 2018-08-08
105 / 1 判定預測市場之準確度: 單一與合併鑑別模型之比較 #和平正義與有力的制度 2017-09-21
104 / 1 An agent-based prediction market: a case study of xFuture in Taiwan #和平正義與有力的制度 2020-07-23
105 / 2 Transitional student admission mechanism from tracking to mixing: an agent-based policy analysis #優質教育 #減少不平等 2020-07-23
105 / 1 Illegal Downloading of Pop Music among University Students in Taiwan: An Agent-Based Model Simulation #優質教育 #負責任的消費與生產 #和平正義與有力的制度 2020-07-23
106 / 1 創意之開發與評鑑:以台灣一家人壽保險公司之創意市場為例 #和平正義與有力的制度 2018-04-11
106 / 2 中古車市場的動態模擬:代理人基建模方法之應用 #負責任的消費與生產 2019-03-15
109 / 2 Predicting the failures of prediction markets: A procedure of decision making using classification models #減少不平等 #和平正義與有力的制度 2022-06-23
106 / 1 The long-run performance of increasing-block pricing in Taiwan's residential electricity sector #減少不平等 #和平正義與有力的制度 2021-04-06
106 / 1 Agent-Based Modeling of a Non-tâtonnement Process for the Scarf Economy: The Role of Learning #尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #永續城市與社區 2020-07-23
107 / 2 A Comparison of Electricity-Pricing Programs: Economic Efficiency, Cost Recovery, and Income Distribution #可負擔的潔淨能源 #減少不平等 #和平正義與有力的制度 2021-04-07
109 / 1 How do advantage players exploit casinos' premium offers? Simulations and solutions #減少不平等 #和平正義與有力的制度 2022-02-17
109 / 2 Efficiency of the Experimental Prediction Market: Public Information, Belief Evolution, and Personality Traits #尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #負責任的消費與生產 2022-07-04
110 / 2 The Effect of Dishonest Sellers on E-commerce: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach #減少不平等 #負責任的消費與生產 2023-07-25
111 / 1 Does ownership structure matter for overshooting manipulation of hospitality and tourism stocks? 2023-07-25
111 / 2 Insights into the accuracy of social scientists' forecasts of societal change 2023-07-18