
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
097 / 2 Partial Auction, Pricing Information, and Price Adjustment in the IPOs Aftermarket:An Empirical Study of TAIEX-listing Firms 2014-01-01
097 / 1 Strategic auditor switch and financial distress prediction–empirical findings from the TSE-listed firms 2014-01-01
094 / 2 Financial Distress Prediction by a Radial Basis Function Network with Logit Analysis Learning 2017-01-11
095 / 2 Family Control, Auditor Reputation, and Audit Quality: Empirical Evidence from the TSE-listed Firms (1999-2002) 2011-10-20
095 / 2 審計客戶重要性與會計師的產業專精程度對公司盈餘品質之影響:審計組別之證據 2011-10-20
095 / 2 會計師異動、存在最終家族控制股東對財務報表公佈時效性之影響 2011-10-20
096 / 1 盈餘管理對會計資訊的相對價值攸關性之影響 2011-10-20
097 / 2 The Value-Relevance Change of Book Value of Equity Versus Earnings by the Voluntarily Early Adoption of SFAS No.35 in Taiwan 2011-10-20
093 / 1 Proxy Contest, Board Reelection, and Managerial Turnover---Yes, the Proxy Contest Outcome Matters 2017-03-21
090 / 1 On the Lunar New Year Effect in Six Asian Stock Markets:An Empirical Analysis (1991-2000) 2011-10-20
096 / 1 總審計調整數對公司財務報表公佈時效性之影響 2013-04-11
095 / 1 會計師-審計客戶間相對協商力與審計意見之關係 2013-04-11
095 / 2 選擇性新會計準則實施時點對策略性會計報導與資訊攸關性的影響 2017-03-20
099 / 2 初次公開發行公司盈餘報導行為與上市(櫃)後股價績效之關係 2017-06-06
097 / 2 股票買回交易與每股盈餘管理之研究 2013-04-17