
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
091 / 1 台灣失業率的預測—馬可夫轉換模型的應用 2014-01-08
099 / 2 The Effects of Employment Protection on Labor Turnover: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan 2015-01-22
101 / 2 Wage Effects of Employment Protection Legislation in Taiwan 2014-08-12
101 / 2 The Effects of Over-education on Unemployment Duration: Evidence from Taiwan 2014-08-12
101 / 2 老年經濟保障對生育的排擠效果-台灣的實證分析 #良好健康和福祉 #減少不平等 2015-04-24
101 / 1 鼓勵生育的新思維 #性別平等 #尊嚴就業與經濟發展 2014-08-12
104 / 1 Birth Spacing and Women's Labor Supply: An Empirical Analysis #性別平等 #尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #減少不平等 2022-01-05
105 / 1 Detecting the Influencing of Learning Community on Students’ Self-directed Learning by Experimental Model #優質教育 2017-02-15
106 / 1 高等教育擴張的所得衝擊: 擴張時點前後的就業世代比較 #優質教育 #減少不平等 #和平正義與有力的制度 2018-09-27
108 / 2 Stagnation Generation: Evaluating the Impact of Higher Education Expansion on Social Mobility from the Perspective of Taiwan #尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #減少不平等 2022-01-05
107 / 2 test-1 2019-07-24
106 / 2 test-2 2019-07-24
108 / 2 Adolescents' attitudes to risk and their employment sector choices in adulthood: Evidence from longitudinal data #優質教育 #尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #減少不平等 2022-01-05
108 / 2 Discouraged Worker Effects from Social Inequality: An Empirical Evidence #減少不平等 #和平正義與有力的制度 2021-02-23
111 / 2 The Impact of Labor Market Risk on Youth Career Preparation for Sustainable Development: Evidence from Taiwan #優質教育 #尊嚴就業與經濟發展 2023-04-24
111 / 2 史學敍事結合服務學習之課程設計與學習成效 #優質教育 2023-04-24