
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
096 / 1 Foreign trade in China's electronics industry 2010-06-16
093 / 1 The Prospects for Regional Economic Integration Between China and the Five Central Asian Countries 2017-05-03
096 / 1 The Effect of Foreign Bank Entry on the Operational Performance of Commercial Banks in the Chinese Transitional Economy 2017-04-26
093 / 1 Changes in the Foreign Market Competitiveness of East Asian Exports 2016-12-28
096 / 1 Fiscal structures and regional economic growth: evidence from china's fiscal contract system 2010-06-16
093 / 1 Determinants of regional growth disparity in China's transitional economy 2017-01-04
095 / 1 The impact of financial development and bank characteristics on the operational performance of commercial banks in the Chinese transitional economy 2017-05-02
090 / 1 An assessment of outward foreign direct investment from China's transitional economy 2016-12-21
087 / 1 APEC快速部門提前自由化對我國之影響 2011-10-22
095 / 1 Fiscal Structures and Regional Economic Growth: Evidence from China’s Fiscal Contract System 2011-10-22
096 / 1 Foreign Trade in China’s Electronics Industry 2017-01-11
096 / 1 Operational Performance of Commercial Banks in the Chinese Transitional Economy 2017-03-08
088 / 2 中國大陸對外直接投資之發展趨勢 2011-10-22
087 / 2 日、美、歐對服務業貿易自由化的態度與策略 2011-10-22
087 / 1 亞太經濟合作會議之最新情勢與展望 2011-10-23
088 / 1 法國經濟情勢展望 2011-10-23
087 / 1 金融風暴的蔓延是否會造成全球經濟大幅衰退 2011-10-23
088 / 1 德國經濟情勢展望 2011-10-23
088 / 2 歐元匯價走勢之探討 2011-10-23
083 / 1 歐洲共同體之競爭政策 2011-10-23