
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
068 / 1 Then effect of superconductivity of cubic and tetragonal structure due to a three-fold degenerate electronic band 2010-06-16
068 / 1 Instabilities and phase transitions in nonequilibrium superconductors induced by quasiparticle injection 2010-06-16
068 / 1 The superconductivity of cubic and tetragonal structures for a two-fold degenerate electronic band 2010-06-16
083 / 2 Isotope effects in high Tc superconductivity 2018-04-16
061 / 2 The two dimensional time dependent self-curving effect 2010-06-16
066 / 1 The self-focussing effect of an intense laser beam 2010-06-16
076 / 1 The Structural Phase Transition of the Cubic to Tetragonal Superconductor Due to a Two-Fold Degenerate Electronic Band 2010-06-16
076 / 2 The structural phase transition of the cubic to tetragonal superconductor due to a three-fold degenerate electronic band 2013-12-31
078 / 2 An anisotropic model for high-Tc superconductivity 2010-06-16
079 / 2 Theory on oxygen dificiency for YBa2Cu3O7-δ high Tc materials 2010-06-16
082 / 2 Hydrogen atom near an impenetrable hyperboloidal surface 2010-06-16
082 / 1 Eigen modes of flux line lattice and the melting of Abrikosov flux lattice 2010-06-16
082 / 2 臺灣北部淡水海域對可見光在波長425~600nm的衰減係數探討 2010-06-16
082 / 2 Calculation of critical temperature for high-Tc superconductivity with multi-layered structure 2018-04-16
063 / 1 The three dimensional time dependent laser self-curving effect 2010-06-16
064 / 1 The self-focusing effect of an equal phase Gaussian beam 2010-06-16
065 / 1 The order parameter modes in charged gapless superconductor 2010-06-16
076 / 2 The phase transition between cubic superconductor and tetragonal superconductor for a three fold degenerate electronic band 2010-06-16
076 / 2 The phase transition of cubic for tetragonal superconductor for a two-fold degenerate electronic band 2010-06-16
060 / 1 Laser radiation in moving medium (I) 2018-04-16
061 / 2 Stability and utility analysis on solving initial value problems by numerical integration schemes 2010-06-16
063 / 1 Laser radiation in a moving medium (II) 2018-04-16
086 / 1 Low density electron pairs in the extended hubbard model 2018-04-16
061 / 2 Instability analysis for high intensity laser passing through a moving medium 2010-06-16
090 / 2 The effect of collective pinning on vortex-pair production in superconducting films 2017-04-26
062 / 1 Instabilities of intense laser beams in air 2014-10-20
062 / 1 Propagation of an intense Gaussian laser pulse in air 2014-10-20
092 / 2 Quantum phase transition in double triangular layer 2017-03-21
082 / 2 Reply to " Comment on ' Generalized commutators and deformation of strong coupling superconductivity' by A. Solomon and Mc-Dermott" 2010-06-16
087 / 2 Order parameter in the antiferromangnetic heisenberg model 2017-03-08
089 / 1 The sign reversal and scaling relations of hall anomaly in the mixed state type-II superconductors 2017-05-03
090 / 1 Incommensurate magnetic fluctuations in the underdoped Copper Oxide Materials 2010-06-16
091 / 1 Incommensurate antiferromagnetism in the extended t-J model 2010-06-16
093 / 2 Kinetic energy driven superconductivity in the electron doped cobaltate NaxCoO2 · yH2O 2018-04-09
090 / 2 Effect of lattice fluctuations on the quantum phase transition in a one-dimensional commensurate system 2018-04-09
093 / 1 Heat transport in hole-doped two-leg ladder antiferromagnet 2017-01-13
086 / 2 The effects of pinning on Vortex-pair production in superconducting films 2010-06-16
082 / 1 Time dependence of the gain of a CuBr laser 2017-05-04
091 / 2 Charge transport in underdoped bilayer cuprates 2015-03-25
092 / 2 Charge transport of electron-doped Mott insulators on a triangular lattice 2015-03-25
091 / 2 Energy dependence of commensurate neutron scattering peak in the doped two-leg ladder antiferromagnet Sr14-xCaxCu24O41 2015-03-25
089 / 1 Spin dynamics in doped triangular antiferromagnets 2015-03-25
089 / 1 The feature of pinning on vortex-antivortex generation in the type-II superconducting film 2013-07-09
089 / 2 Fluctuation-induced attraction of vortices in anisotropic superconductors 2013-07-09
090 / 1 Quantum phonons and the Peierls transition temperature 2015-03-25
093 / 2 Thermal conductivity in the doped two-leg ladder antiferromagnet Sr_14-x Ca_x Cu_24 O_41 2014-01-08
093 / 2 The effects of collective pinning on topological order–disorder phase transition in type-II superconducting films 2013-07-09
092 / 1 The feature of quantum and thermal fluctuations on collective pinning and critical current in superconducting film 2013-07-09
091 / 2 Effect of deformations due to collective pinning on vortex-antivorter production in superconducting film 2013-07-09
090 / 1 Vortex-pair production and nonlinear flux-flow resistivity in superconducting film with randomly distributed weak pinning sites 2013-07-09
093 / 1 Vortex-pair production in quenched disorder superconducting film 2013-07-09
094 / 2 The quasiorder-disorder phase transition and the peak effect in type-II conventional and high-Tc superconductors 2013-08-08
090 / 2 Optical and transport properties in a doped two-leg ladder antiferromagnnet 2015-03-25