
學年 111
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2023-01-29
作品名稱 Localized geometry determined selectivity of iodide-derived copper for electrochemical CO2 reduction
著者 Yuchuan Shi, Yiqing Wang, Chung-Li Dong, Ta Thi Thuy Nga, Daixing Wei, Jialin Wang, Xiaoli Zhao, Miao Wang, Kaini Zhang, Mingtao Li, Fan Dong, Shaohua Shen
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Advanced Energy Materials 13(11), 2203896
摘要 Two iodide-derived copper (ID-Cu) electrocatalysts (E-ID-Cu and W-ID-Cu) are prepared by electrochemical/wet chemical iodination of Cu foil and subsequent in situ electrochemical reduction reaction. In comparison to electropolished Cu (EP-Cu), both E-ID-Cu and W-ID-Cu can produce multicarbon (C2+) products with much-improved selectivity, with Faradic efficiency (FE) reaching 64.39% for E-ID-Cu and 71.16% for W-ID-Cu at −1.1 V versus reversible hydrogen electrodes (RHE), which can be attributed to their localized geometry features with high defect density and high surface roughness. Given the well-determined FEs towards C2+ products, the partial current densities for C2+ production can be estimated to be 251.8 mA cm−2 for E-ID-Cu and 290.0 mA cm−2 for W-ID-Cu at −1.2 V versus RHE in a flow cell. In situ characterizations and theoretical calculations reveal that the high-density defects and high surface roughness can promote *CO adsorption by raising the d band center and then facilitate C–C coupling, contributing to the high selectivity of C2+ products for ID-Cu. Interestingly, the high surface roughness can increase the residence time of *C–H intermediates and decrease the formation energy of the *OCCO and*CH3CH2O intermediates, thus favoring C2+ production, with a unique C2H6 product observed over W-ID-Cu with FE of 10.14% at −0.7 V versus RHE.
語言 en
ISSN 1614-6832; 1614-6840
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SCI
國別 DEU
出版型式 ,電子版

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/125730 )