
學年 110
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2021-10-01
作品名稱 Formulating the dynamics of an online community and identifying the influential members using the animal flocking model
著者 Jau-Shien Chang; Guo-Hao Wang
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 49, 101085
摘要 To provide effective decision support for online community management, this study proposes new methods for formulating community dynamics and identifying influential members through the animal flocking model. We considered the online community as an animal flock, where members of the community are individual animals. The change in the direction of community discussions is analogous to the migration of an animal flock, although this occurs in virtual rather than physical space. To accurately formulate the community dynamics, we established a virtual space by using the ratios of articles in various categories as coordinates. In addition, the influence of members was defined according to their ability to change the direction of community discussions in the virtual space. On the basis of this concept, a novel algorithm was developed to identify the influential members. The evaluation results showed that the influential members identified using conventional measurements of influence often have no substantial impact on changes of the discussion direction. By contrast, the method proposed in this study clearly marked the influential members in the community. In addition, the results also demonstrated that the virtual space construction method can appropriately formulate community dynamics.
關鍵字 Animal flocking model, Influential members, Community dynamics, Community management, Online communities
語言 en
ISSN 1567-4223
期刊性質 國外
通訊作者 Jau-Shien Chang
國別 NLD
出版型式 ,電子版