
學年 110
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2021-10-01
作品名稱 From Vulnerability to Opportunity: The Case for Deepening Taiwan-Japan HA/DR Relations
著者 Gregory Coutaz
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Tamkang Journal of International Affairs 25(2), pp. 1-52
摘要 The relationship that Japan enjoys with the Republic of China (ROC) on Taiwan is built on decades of strong cooperation, shared values, and mutual interests. The current geopolitical context, which is turning against China as a result of its assertiveness abroad and deepening authoritarianism domestically, further creates an environment that is increasingly bringing these two partners closer together. This does not mean that Taiwan-Japan relations are trouble-free. For instance, one long standing issue remains the disputed sovereignty of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands. While Taipei claims the inhabited islands as its own, Tokyo insists that those islands are Japanese territory and maintains administrative control over them. What is remarkable is that both parties have been able to find ways to manage the problem and prevent it from threatening their bilateral relations. Taiwan and Japan today enjoy extensive economic ties and flourishing people-to-people exchanges. Both countries interact in a series of functional and issue areas, including trade and technology, ideology and democratization, and history and culture. Defense and military cooperation continue to be largely absent, however. Taiwan's unofficial diplomatic status presents a major challenge in the pursuit of formal security engagement. This article sheds light on the substance and dynamics of humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HA/DR) activities as a potential avenue for Taiwan and Japan to expand their partnership and consider the promotion of security dialogue. Both countries are indeed vulnerable to natural disasters. They have suffered greatly, and continue to suffer from repeated disasters, requiring the application of a comprehensive strategy dedicated to coping with the negative effects posed by the occurrence of such events. Based on official discourse, media reporting, scholarly works, opinion polls, and the Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT), this article provides a comprehensive examination of the disaster risk management plans implemented in Taiwan and Japan, and draws attention to the unique role played by the ROC armed forces and the Japanese Self-Defense Forces (SDF).
關鍵字 Taiwan-Japan Relations;Security Cooperation;Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HA/DR)
語言 en_US
ISSN 1027-4979
期刊性質 國內
收錄於 Scopus Airiti Library Taiwan
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/121962 )