
學年 109
學期 1
服務開始日期 2021-01-11
服務結束日期 2021-01-11
中文姓名 張勝雄 Sheng-hsiung Chang
服務單位名稱 國企系
擔任職務 碩士班推薦信University of California, Santa Barbara's Graduate Division
服務性質 4
備註 **PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AUTOMATED NOTIFICATION, DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL** Dear Sheng-Hsiung Chang: We have received your letter of recommendation and ratings for ChingJung Chen. Thank you for taking the time to write for this applicant. If you have any questions about your submission, you may contact Technology Management Program. Thank you. Sincerely, Graduate Admissions and Outreach Staff UC Santa Barbara Graduate Division 3117 Cheadle Hall Santa Barbara, CA 93106-2070 www.graddiv.ucsb.edu/admissions

UCSB Graduate Division Electronic Application.pdf